Checkout this video. Trying new, more direct approach


I've Got It
This post is mainly directed to one person who gave me a very good advice but, anyone can see and leave their opinion and review. If you enjoyed please do, Subscribe.

@NothingToDoCrew let me know what do you think!?​

This post is mainly directed to one person who gave me a very good advice but, anyone can see and leave their opinion and review. If you enjoyed please do, Subscribe.

@NothingToDoCrew let me know what do you think!?​

The actual video/content is solid. .. Soo here is some more technical things i would consider:
Fade music at 10sec and jump right into. 26 seconds is way too long to wait to start the discussion.
When you mention the website, "you can go here to get the maps..." immediately follow that with "so lets do that right now". Because when your viewers hear about the site they will run there soon as you give the name of the address and in this case they would get lost and confused and may never make it back to finish watching your video.
Your video content ends at 630, but your total video time is 730 (which is way too long for credits). 16 seconds max for credits. If your viewers stay through the credits then most of the time the next recmd video will be one of yours, if it's a minute long then they are going to peace out and click on something else.

Once again, those are just a few observations that i made to help. None of us on youtube are professionals so these videos don't have to be perfect. Sometimes you gotta do quick edits and sometimes you forgot things, so there is always going to be something. Your videos are solid, but i would definitely think about the beginning and end suggestions for the future, it's an easy way to get more views.
I know gamers on youtube have it the worst (since the market has become flooded and hard to be recognized) so good luck bro!
Alright, will try to to make the fade into a discussion lower in the introduction and I'll try to lower the time taken for an outro to complete.
Another thing I want to add to the great comment the other guy gave. Well I don't know if you have noticed but your video gets blur every now and then, so I wanted to ask what software do you use to edit your videos?
Another thing I want to add to the great comment the other guy gave. Well I don't know if you have noticed but your video gets blur every now and then, so I wanted to ask what software do you use to edit your videos?
Sony Vegas and the latest video I posted was pixelated because, of YouTube s****y processing the actual video didn't have any pixelation. Although here's my settings:


(Notice the bitrate are similar)

Render settings.png
I had this problem with Sony Vegas as well... It did pixelate my videos, but for me one thing works: when you put the video, right click on it-> go to properties and change from smart resample to disable resample. At least that fixed my problems before, but now I have not had that problem for some reason
I had this problem with Sony Vegas as well... It did pixelate my videos, but for me one thing works: when you put the video, right click on it-> go to properties and change from smart resample to disable resample. At least that fixed my problems before, but now I have not had that problem for some reason
Turns out it was the original video. Here's the latest video I uploaded now. Let me know what do you think of the quality and the video it self!