Channel trailer monetization?

I just made my channel trailer after having a dozen videos's getting views, should it be monetized as well? Or is that considered bad taste?
Given the size of your channel right now, monetization shoudn't even been a thought. Enjoy youtubing first, monetize later.
Channel trailers are a chance for people to see what your channel is about, so you need to grab their attention within the first few seconds. If they have to watch an ad first, they'll lose interest before they even see your content.
You're still small, focus on making videos & enjoying rather than monetizing first! :)
Given the size of your channel right now, monetization shoudn't even been a thought. Enjoy youtubing first, monetize later.
What would you consider a good time to start monetizing videos? I've been montizing mine but been thinking about quitting as I'm a small channel as well. The only reason I've kept doing it is because my 2nd or 3rd video was a review video an the sucker took off in views. 8k views i believe. That being said, I kept all other videos monetized just incase other videos took off a little bit after the review video growing. Curiosity comes over sometimes lol :) But im thinking that i probably might stop but keep the review video monetized.
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I completely understand. I have a ton of footage I'm editing and am truly enjoying the process so much that I put my wow subscription on hold lol. If you don't mind me asking another question:
I have several full length video workout routines(40+ minutes), but my drop off rate on those is at about 8 minutes. My most popular video is a long one as well, but also never gets viewed the whole way through. Should I concentrate on short psa's where I know they are actually being viewed or keep banging out the long ones in hope that they will get a residual following in the future. Just don't wanna sell myself short either for viewers and subs r for the integrity of my teaching and workout style.
One last question on "live feed". I got it set up and tested it to make sure everything was working and had 20 viewers not even doing anything other than camera placement. I workout everyday and it'd take seconds to set things up; is it worth while to run the experiment of filming every morning and posting the videos after and monetizing them(sorry long run on)?
What would you consider a good time to start monetizing videos? I've been montizing mine but been thinking about quitting as I'm a small channel as well. The only reason I've kept doing it is because my 2nd or 3rd video was a review video an the sucker took off in views. 8k views i believe. That being said, I kept all other videos monetized just incase other videos took off a little bit after the review video growing. Curiosity comes over sometimes lol :) But im thinking that i probably might stop but keep the review video monetized.

I wouldn't monetize based off the success of one video (unless it truly went viral). It needs to be something that just comes naturally and feels right. If you're asking the question then it's not right.

As for me, I started monetising my videos after about 150-200 videos when I was getting around 4,000 views a day and that maybe generated around $2-3 a day. But this was all after spending months and months making video and slowing building up a channel and not thinking at all about monetization. When I did switch it I just tried it as an experiment to see what would happen. I wasn't desperately looking for cash and success and the same applies today.