Channel navigation not on YouTube mobile FIX


Active Member
Jan 4, 2016
Reaction score
So recently I was viewing my channel on the mobile app for YouTube and realized my channel was a bit different than others. When I viewed PewDiePie's channel (Just an example channel) I could see "tabs" such as "Home" and "Videos" and "Playlists". But on my channel I didn't have these "Tabs". So I did some research and found out how to fix it. Step 1: Go to "My Channel" on YouTube. Please note this must be done on the desktop web version on YouTube. Step 2: Hover your mouse near the "Subscribe" button. Once you do this a pencil Icon should appear nearby. Step 3: Click on the pencil Icon near your mouse after you have hovered around the area of the "Subscribe" button. Step 4: Click on "edit channel navigation". Then a new window will appear. Step 5: Enable the button to the right of the words "customize the layout of your channel". Now on mobile your channel will have the "tabs" or channel navigation. I hope this has helped you as it has me.


P.S. Please consider checking out my channel and telling me what I am doing right and wrong, and give me some suggestions.