Channel Feedback Request



So I'm new to the YTTALK forums. I actually just posted up my "Introduction" thread. :)

I was wondering if anyone had some spare time on their hands to possibly stop by my channel and check out a few videos and then give some honest opinions? :)

I'm always looking for ways I can better the content on my channel for my viewers! Any feedback you could offer at all would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks for reading! :D

Freedom and Damnlag Banner.jpg
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Hey! Full disclosure: I have no clue about gaming.

BUT I will say that I really like all of the graphics on your channel like your thumbnails and banner. They all match really well and are really eye catching, plus they are well done so it gives the impression that your videos are professional as well! Anyway I watched your gaming set up vlog and really enjoyed it, you seem really natural chatting to the camera.
Hey! Full disclosure: I have no clue about gaming.

BUT I will say that I really like all of the graphics on your channel like your thumbnails and banner. They all match really well and are really eye catching, plus they are well done so it gives the impression that your videos are professional as well! Anyway I watched your gaming set up vlog and really enjoyed it, you seem really natural chatting to the camera.

Thank you so much! Really appreciate the positive feedback! :) Also just took a look at your channel and although I'm not huge into Vlog channels I REALLY enjoyed your videos! The road trip videos are so enjoyable to watch and their really well made! Keep up the awesome work Ashley! Subbed. :)
Dude let me just tell you ,your professional af compared to me ! Your thumbnails are on point and audio/video quality is great you don't see that a lot In my opinion you're doing great and if I had to tell you one thing to improve on it would be just play a more variety of games and game that intrigue people (but that's not a big deal) keep up the good work

BTW I subbed !
Okay, first off, holy s**t everything looks super professional and I'm super jealous of your thumbnail skills and your cover and wow okay. Secondly, I don't really have anything negative to say, like your editing and everything is so professional and great and yeah honestly keep up all the good work on that dude! I do have to say you should totally branch out and do newer games. Not saying the games you're doing now are bad because they're old (because I absolutely love Amnesia and Condemned Criminal Origins) but newer games will typically get you more views and more attention and with how great your editing and all that is already you'll grow like crazy!
All that probably wasn't super helpful cause it was just me gushing over how amazing all your stuff is, but hey I mean it doesn't hurt to have super positive feedback! Keep up the good work dude!
Dude let me just tell you ,your professional af compared to me ! Your thumbnails are on point and audio/video quality is great you don't see that a lot In my opinion you're doing great and if I had to tell you one thing to improve on it would be just play a more variety of games and game that intrigue people (but that's not a big deal) keep up the good work

BTW I subbed !

Hey man, thank you so much for taking the time to check out my channel and give back your honest opinion! It means a lot to me that you think a lot of things are looking good! :D And I know I do play a lot of Horror, if you search up channels like "Omar Sebali" or "AaronSawWhat" they're kind of the channels I'm comparing myself with, they all do pretty much Horror only. But I do still plan to spread out and do some maybe Adventure type games at some point soon, games like "Inside" and "Abzu" stuff like that so look forward to that! :D And again, thank you so much for the feedback and especially for subbing! :)[DOUBLEPOST=1473613983,1473612075][/DOUBLEPOST]
Okay, first off, holy s**t everything looks super professional and I'm super jealous of your thumbnail skills and your cover and wow okay. Secondly, I don't really have anything negative to say, like your editing and everything is so professional and great and yeah honestly keep up all the good work on that dude! I do have to say you should totally branch out and do newer games. Not saying the games you're doing now are bad because they're old (because I absolutely love Amnesia and Condemned Criminal Origins) but newer games will typically get you more views and more attention and with how great your editing and all that is already you'll grow like crazy!
All that probably wasn't super helpful cause it was just me gushing over how amazing all your stuff is, but hey I mean it doesn't hurt to have super positive feedback! Keep up the good work dude!

Hey Justine, Thanks so much for the overwhelmingly positive feedback! Means a lot, and yeah, I absolutely agree about covering newer games to bring in a larger audience, it was a risky move making another old game like Condemned Criminal Origins as my next Let's Play right after playing Amnesia which is another very old game but I'm pretty sure this is going to be that last "Classic Horror" let's play I do for a little bit. After I'm finished with condemned I will definitely start up some newer games, Lethe Episode One is on my to do list as well as the upcoming Outlast 2! :D But again, thanks so much for stopping by! :D

So I'm new to the YTTALK forums. I actually just posted up my "Introduction" thread. :)

I was wondering if anyone had some spare time on their hands to possibly stop by my channel and check out a few videos and then give some honest opinions? :)

I'm always looking for ways I can better the content on my channel for my viewers! Any feedback you could offer at all would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks for reading! :D

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Honestly not a whole lot to say except that your channel art looks very bright and wonderful. Keep up the good work :)