Can someone review my channel?

ha, that was actualy quite funny trailer Commander. keep it up. practice makes perfect.
Thanks man, I appreciate that. I am putting up a prank video here in an hour or so.
Hope everyone enjoys it. LOL[DOUBLEPOST=1497707416,1497707281][/DOUBLEPOST]
It`s a little bit stretched see how it worps your avatar and the words are readable but it`s quite harsh from the color contrast. I think I preferred the old one more. But I like the font and that you have the most important infos of your channel :)
Ya, I made it in some professional header creating website.
Then when I made it and paid for it. I go to try and put it as my header and everything got cut off.
So, I had to shrink it down to fit. Honestly I think I am gonna leave it for now until I can just pay someone to handle it for me.
I messed around with that for so long yesterday. LOL
Thanks man, I appreciate that. I am putting up a prank video here in an hour or so.
Hope everyone enjoys it. LOL[DOUBLEPOST=1497707416,1497707281][/DOUBLEPOST]
Ya, I made it in some professional header creating website.
Then when I made it and paid for it. I go to try and put it as my header and everything got cut off.
So, I had to shrink it down to fit. Honestly I think I am gonna leave it for now until I can just pay someone to handle it for me.
I messed around with that for so long yesterday. LOL

That sounds like a plan. But its good that you can see the avatars now and the important infos :) it really is just nit picking in the end and you have a good subscriber base
That sounds like a plan. But its good that you can see the avatars now and the important infos :) it really is just nit picking in the end and you have a good subscriber base
Ya, my subscriber base is good but, a lot of inactive people.
I really need more subscribers that will engage with my videos on a regular basis.
That is what it takes to grow. Good content definitely helps too. :crown:[DOUBLEPOST=1497726864,1497712505][/DOUBLEPOST]
It`s a little bit stretched see how it worps your avatar and the words are readable but it`s quite harsh from the color contrast. I think I preferred the old one more. But I like the font and that you have the most important infos of your channel :)
I think I fixed it. I used
and a Youtube header template from Derrel Eves.
Pretty cool tools. You might check em out!
Congrats for the numbers of subs and videos you have.
Thumbs should are good for your channel. Just a thing: change you channel art (banner) using different fonts and try to mix the background photo with fonts.
I suggest you to use Goggle FontAwesome cause are modern, flexible and elegant.
You have a likeable personality man. Idk why to me you just do. But i feel like you have to figure out what your content is and research how to make it more juicy and impact full.
Hope this helped!
Congrats for the numbers of subs and videos you have.
Thumbs should are good for your channel. Just a thing: change you channel art (banner) using different fonts and try to mix the background photo with fonts.
I suggest you to use Goggle FontAwesome cause are modern, flexible and elegant.

Yea exactly it I agree. Needs a little more clarity. Niche it snuggly in your sweet spot performance wise.
What videos have performed best commander?