Gaming Calling ALL PS4 Youtubers!

Sup my dudes and dudetts!

Lets get down to brass tax here...

What we all want -> Increase growth and of course have fun! (Don't sweat the small stuff!)

Who I am -> Mike (obviously) but jsyk in case you care, which I dont, I used to have a 600+subs on other channel (not sure if I can show it here if its considered advertising or whatever. But the name is called CrazyMonkeysLive). Wanted to reboot my image as that was getting stale

ANYWAYS! -> If you play PS4 in general and want to play some Black Ops 3, GTA V, or Rocket League (or maybe suggest another game), I'm so down. I have been relentless in finding people that are as dedicated as I am.

Right now my plan is to upload weekends and every other day in the M-F, given my other job and last year of college coming up.


Deuces :)
I'd be up for it I don't have rocket league. I have both GTA V and Bo3 from the list and a few other games on PS4, add me on PSN if you'd be interested.