
I'm looking to have the overall look of my channel looked at by someone that has 0% biased. My friends are... well my friends. I always get "that looks good" or "that's cool", not "oh I like the bit where you did this/ I'm not a huge fan of that." I just want someone more experienced than I am to look at my thumbnails, banner, titles, intro, whatever and let me know how I'm actually doing. If others are looking for the same, I am willing to do my best to help.
Disclaimer: We definitely not professional designers/ Youtubers. (We still have a lot to learn as well)

---Tbh we think your thumbnails, icon, and banner are great. Its very simple but it gets the job done.

---The description is really well done. Rarely see that for smaller channels.

---We love the "previously on" its a nice touch that I don't see. (only time we saw that was trendkill skyrim series)

---The intro is a little long + when you add it together with the previously on part. We are people who like going straight into video tho, but thats personal preference.

---Only real "problem" is the game. Since its a older game people probably not really searching it up and if they are they probably watch some big youtuber. We believe when playing a older game you need to do something different so people want to watch it/ find it. So in terms of growing we think its better to stick with newer games (that are being searched) and do it a little different from bigger youtubers to rank up.

Sorry pretty long
But at the end of the day play what you enjoy since it will bring the best out of you. Good luck!!!
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I appreciate the in depth feedback in the biggest way. The "previously on" isn't my own personal touch. It's built into the game, but I have thought about adding it into other series that on the longer side. My usual intro is just the viewer discretion and the fade in. Hopefully I can keep up with trends and play more current games. I'm thinking Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles next, it's too perfect to pass up. Once again thank you so so much. This is exactly what i was hoping for.
ok just being honest about anything i see.

your banner looks bad. it looks cheaply made and has a weird/bad layout.

your profile picture is alright i guess. dont really have a problem with it. It might look better with just the Y instead of yonder considering you cant read the whole thing because its to small

your thumbnails are bad, throwing your logo on a picture doesnt make it enticing for viewers to click on. you need to make thumbnails that draws people's attention. if your not going to edit the thumbnails that much i'd probably prefer you to not ad the logo, the black/white image kinda brings it down. idk i take it back, lets plays are pretty weird where most of them dont really work on the thumbnail, following that trend ig the thumbnails are fine but i'd atleast take the logo out. just feels thrown on.

i looked at some of your older thumbnails and not always but i think the Y in your thumbnails looked a bit better than the Y with the black circle, not always but often than not. like your life is strange drunk thumbnail

also your videos are to long, because your a new channel/small channel people are less likely to watch your 30/40 minute long videos, or less likely to watch any good chunk of it. Views do matter to some degree but if your watch time is low (meaning people only watched a few seconds to a minute) then your video gets pushed further back in the system.watch time matters just as much as the view count.

your intro is to long. imo intros should not be longer than maybe 5 seconds. unless your intro is interesting or partically well done people will click off the video if they have to sit through a long intro. i thought the "view discretion" part was pretty cool for an intro but the music and bits after that was a bit annoying

your titles are also bad. "Until Dawn | One Hitter Quitter | Part 5" for example doesnt tell me what im about to watch. and if i havent watched any until dawn gameplay at all and wouldnt know what part 5 could be referring to in the game, one hitter quitter doesnt exactly entice me to click on that video. in comparison, your "first victim" tittle works better because i atleast know what im getting into. i have no idea what "why am i asylum" means

The descriptions for my videos are always short/terrible so i wont bother reading yours, they're probably better than mines

also from what i could tell your videos are tagged pretty badly

if you want me to actually watch a video i will but since this was mostly on design i didnt really watch anything
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I'm looking to have the overall look of my channel looked at by someone that has 0% biased. My friends are... well my friends. I always get "that looks good" or "that's cool", not "oh I like the bit where you did this/ I'm not a huge fan of that." I just want someone more experienced than I am to look at my thumbnails, banner, titles, intro, whatever and let me know how I'm actually doing. If others are looking for the same, I am willing to do my best to help.

The readability of text in your graphics are the biggest problem here I think. It's hard to read some of the text on your thumbnails across a range of them. I'd recommend rethinking how you make your thumbnail, text on it needs to be clear and easy to read. Ideally thumbnails should only have a few words on them (if any). You should spend a good amount of time on them and make them as eye catching as possible.

As for your profile picture I'd recommend getting rid of the full work and just keep the Y in the logo.

As for your banner your logo is covering the Facebook page name and the entire thing looks like it's not centred. The text is also a bit too close to the edges.