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SECC: Ricky Burns V Raymundo Beltran (Entrances & Crowd)

This is a video I took of while at the Ricky Burns vs. Raymundo Beltran fight night in the SECC in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. First it shows the crowds as they sign, then shows both Ricky Burns and Raymundo Beltran making their entrances. The result of this match was a Draw. 1 Judge went for Ricky, another went for Raymundo, and the final judge scored 14/14.

There was other fights this night before this one including Jonathan Slowey vs. Angel Lorente, Scott Cardle vs. Gary Fox, Michael Roberts vs. Eddie Nesbitt, Steve Simmons vs. David Graf, Callum Smith vs. Kirill Psonko, Paul Appleby vs. Lee Connelly, Chris Jenkins vs. Laurent Ferra and David Brophy vs. Jason Ball.