Blue Yeti Background noise removal! HELP


Active Member
Hey guys so like the title says. I just recently purchased a blue yeti. I have my mic on a table arm stand and sits just above my monitor about a foot away. The mic is set to cardioid mode or the heart shape lol. Only problem is no matter what I do i still can pick up background noise such as my dog breathing (very heavy breather) and my keyboard and mouse clicking. Anyway to adjust this. I use OBS and fraps. And also Audacity. So what should I do?
Turn down the gain on the mic is the first thing you should try, as for keyboard and mouse clicks with that kinda mic no matter what you do it will pick them up so the best thing I can suggest is putting a duvet or something over the keyboard so you can't hear the clicks anymore and a good idea would also be to remove any source of sound from the room you record in, including the dog
First try to add some distance between the mic and computer equipment.
Second find a box big enough to house the mic in and line it with foam. Acoustic foam is best, but use whatever you have available. Place the mic towards the back and speak into the box (if your doing voiceover type stuff).
If your not doing voiceover type stuff get a dynamic mic as they are less sensitive to background noise. Samson makes them for about $20. They will do for most purposes and some will plug straight into your computer's mic port.
Ok I will give those a try. My mic sits just above my monitor but my actually desktop is under my desk. It doesn't pick up the computer just other stuff
Had same problems with my AT2020 USB+ and my solution was simply setting recording volume from 100 to 75, putting it closer to mouth (so it mainly picks my voice) and using voice compression :) Solved for me most of my audio problems without any need to invest more cash into acoustic foam or any other solution ;)