Best Times To Upload Videos


Happy New Year
Wazzzup yttalkers =)

So I have been trying my nest to follow my schedule of uploading everyweek on the same days Monday and Friday but should I upload them at a certain time??? Took me forever to edit.. I uploaded 3 videos on Monday one was like around 4 and the other 2 after editing everything finally got around to uploading around 9 to 10 at night.. Do you think I should start making my videos ahead of time that way everything is set up so when I am ready to make video public should it be on the same time.. Thanks
I would try to stick to a consistent uploading schedule if possible, that way your subscribers now what time to check out your channel! I've messed around with release times and I tend to see more activity on my videos when they are released in the afternoon (3-5PM EST).
I would try to stick to a consistent uploading schedule if possible, that way your subscribers now what time to check out your channel! I've messed around with release times and I tend to see more activity on my videos when they are released in the afternoon (3-5PM EST).
You are right.. I will try to upload around that time on my days I upload
I've seen this thread a lot. Unless you have a highly dedicated schedule, the answer generally falls to "it doesn't matter". And if you do have a schedule you stick to every time no matter what, the answer is still it doesn't matter as long as it remains consistent.
I honestly don't think it matters too much at this point. As long as you post it in the same day every week, you should be good. At the same time, though, I think pre-recording and pre-editing your videos a day early and using the YouTube Upload Scheduler is a good habit to get into. Good luck! :)
I tend to stick to the same time every time I upload. I chose 5pm GMT because it's prime-time in Europe, but it's also during the day in the US/Canada. I considered changing to around 9pm GMT, but that still wouldn't make much difference to our transatlantic friends. I tend to find a consistent time is more important than a particular hour on the clock.