BBTV Partnership Review?


Well-Known Member
So the other day, I received an e-mail from BroadBandTV saying that they wanted to partner me, I currently have 1.6k subscribers on YouTube and was wondering if it was worth getting partnered just now or wait to grow a bit more? Also, if I was to get a partnership, would BroadBandTV be the best one to go with? Are they legit, reliable ect. The person I've been speaking said they'd be offering me a deal of a 60/40 split.

If someone could reply it'd be much appreciated as I'm obviously quite new to this stuff :unsure:
Hello there,
I currently have a channel with 1.6k subscribers and I received an email from a partnership by the name of "BroadBandTV". However, I don't want to sign anything just now as I'm not sure if they're legit and would be a good partnership to join with. They say that the revenue share would be 60/40, not sure if this is a good deal. Also, I was wondering if I should just wait until I grow a bit more subscribers or should I try get a partnership as soon as I can? I'm quite confused when it comes to partnerships so I would be very thankful if anyone was able to reply to this post as overall I'm just needing some advice and knowledge.

Many thanks,
FusionHD (Daniel).
Yes, BBTV is legit.

More importantly, what do you think a partnership would do for you and why would you want one? Without knowing your answers to those, nobody can help you.
I wouldn't bother partnering for that revenue share, what are they going to do for you that you need from them to take 40% each month? Creative Nation have a 90/10 revenue share which is a lot fairer if you need a network. The percentages soon add up as your channel grows.