* AVOID THE TRAP - VITAL tip to gaming channels!

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Thanks for the advice. I wasn't planning on monetizing anytime soon as I don't have many viewers but this will make me think twice if and when I do.
Good advice, Glad I haven't started anything quite yet. I should have my first lets play videos up by this weekend sometime (Hopefully). I would love to eventually be able to partner with a gaming network.
My question to you is how does this work for companies that have openly stated their videos can be used for monitization as long as it follows certain guidelines? (IE: I know that LOL allows this as long as the videos have "clean" commentary (What I mean by that is, not alot of swearing, no racism etc))

Thanks :D
My question to you is how does this work for companies that have openly stated their videos can be used for monitization as long as it follows certain guidelines? (IE: I know that LOL allows this as long as the videos have "clean" commentary (What I mean by that is, not alot of swearing, no racism etc))

Thanks :D

personally I've never played League Of Legends - but if that's what they state, and you follow the guidelines they have stated, it would probably be wise to mention every time in the description/include a line saying how you have permission to monetize the gameplay footage along with a link to the page that does.
I say this because I wouldn't trust youtube when it comes to partnership to know that LOL is monetize friendly - I could see them just removing the video.
personally I've never played League Of Legends - but if that's what they state, and you follow the guidelines they have stated, it would probably be wise to mention every time in the description/include a line saying how you have permission to monetize the gameplay footage along with a link to the page that does.
I say this because I wouldn't trust youtube when it comes to partnership to know that LOL is monetize friendly - I could see them just removing the video.

I know with Blizzard based games also have in their video policy (This is about it being Non-commercial) "The only exceptions to this rule are if you participate in partner programs with YouTube, Justin.tv, Blip.tv, Own3d.tv, or Ustream.tv (the Production Websites) whereby a Production Website may pay you for views of a Production if you are accepted into their partner program"

Just wanted to find out if you know what I'd do in regards to this and my videos :)
There is an argument to be made for fair use however in which the copyright may not be the defining factor.
This was really good advice:up:
1. So it is ok to upload gameplay videos but monetization for those videos must be disabled?
2. And if i am partnered does that allow me to monetize any gameplay video?
This was really good advice:up:
1. So it is ok to upload gameplay videos but monetization for those videos must be disabled?
2. And if i am partnered does that allow me to monetize any gameplay video?

yes, you can enable the monetization as things stand...but it's a risk.
and yes when you're partnered generally you can simply just go back over previous videos and enable monetization :)
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