Be good to self.
Xingcat I love George the Cat... is he single?
He is, I think! Gracie (the "real" cat) doesn't like him one bit. She hisses whenever we are filming a George video.
Xingcat I love George the Cat... is he single?
Happy for the reception your v day video is getting. Keep it up! I'm thinking of making a list of romantic gift ideas for non romantic dudes. What to get your nerd etc. Have a good weekend all. I saw deadpool for my date night out and Avenue Q is tonight. Good laughs all around.
My most hated of holidays. I am a affectionate person who surprises his S.O. on his own. If I was to make a video it would likely mock the holiday. Maybe since I'm a gaming channel it'll be the games I want to make love to. Sweet sweet luvin'