Do you want to collaborate with me?

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Any PC Gaming YouTube Under 18? Minecraft / Half-Life :winkphones:

Hey Guys, My channel is BloodyDude and I am looking for some PC Gaming YouTubers Under 18 years old.
If you have 10 Subs you can get in if you want to. I have like 20 Subs and growing slowly.That's why I want to collab. I do gaming and tutorials on my channel. So If you want to collaborate with me then here are the requirements.

Requirements :coolphones::

Under 18 Years Old,
Play Minecraft or Half-Life,
You have at least 10 Subscribers,
Have a good video editor which don't give you watermark. ( I use Camtasia and Sony Vegas Pro which are paid, you can use Hitfilm Express which is free without watermark )
Have a decent mic,
Have a good recording software ( Bandicam or OBS)
English Speaking (MUST)
Girl or Boy Don't Matter

If you meet these requirements Here's my Info :grinphones::

My Twitter: @BloodyDude_
Or if you know any chatting software or social media tell me in the comments down below, I will make an account right there :)
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Hey I would love to collab with you. I have Minecraft on PC. Can you please tell me when you're going to be available to record? Thank you, Blood Dude.
hi my only ishu is I do not have an editing program contact me with this email ( if that is ok then we will orgaize
if you tiep my email into Skype you will find me and my active account is the one with an pic of an boy you can contact me that whay ok gies