Amazon Associates! (What Youse Think About It?)


I Love YTtalk
What do youse think about Amazon's affiliate program, Amazon Associates? I am a member of it and earned £11 odds so far, not enough to do a withdrawl yet :p Has anyone hear earned of good money from it from their channel / videos? (or at all infact?)
How do you plan to "earn from your videos" using Amazon Associates? You cannot put your affiliate link either in your channel description, video description, or in the video itself; that's against YouTube policy on Spam, Scams, and Deceptive Commercial Content.

YouTube will also see an affiliate link placed in a video description as an attempt to pull viewers from YouTube to another web site for commercial purposes which is also against the rules.
I never new this. Iv had amazon affiliate links in some of my videos for a good while now :p That said, I haven't earned anything from it lol :p What punishment will youtube hand out to me if I don't remove the amazon links?
They will track you down and make you disappear.........

Nah they will more thank like ban your YouTube channel as this is a major breach of terms and conditions.
So youse think then to be safe I should go through my videos and then and remove all the amazon links? Also, does this rule apply to any and all affiliate links? or just certain ones? :p