Am I ok without my brother?

Angie Melon

Hi guys! So I co-host a channel with my older brother, and last time I did a video without him it didn't do to well and some people here on yttalk said I didn't have enough energy... So since then I've made another video without him in it and I wanna know if it's half decent. Thanks :)

I watched this video and had a look at a few of the other videos and I think this video is good!
Theres always going to be a different energy when you're recording with other people, like how when big youtubers collab with their friends they are usually much funnier and much more lively, It's probably just the same for you and your brother
I personally liked this video :D
Oh boy do I get how it feels like to have people around listening to you when you're recording. Wherever I go, there's ALWAYS someone minding my business. If people were flies, I'd be a stinkin pile of poop.
The way I'm going to deal with my situation, is to get one or two friends as my camera guys, and I'll start recording in public locations. Hiding in shame comes across very strongly on camera. And that's painfully obvious in your video. Can't you get a girlfriend to be with you, so you can be as hysterical as you want to the camera, but you'll have someone there to take all the blame for the noise.