I agree with Munchito and TheDutchTexan...descriptions and titles are really important, and it appears as well that you are using relatively saturated/competitive tags. For example, I saw on your Trying to exercise episode that you had tags like "tips" "exercise" "diy" and "beauty". My understanding is that youtube tags don't "add", so when you have a keyword for "tips" youtube is assuming that you're aiming for people searching for the word "tips" -- that is obviously a very broad, generic tag and it's just not going to be possible to rank in the first page for that.
Additionally, whenever you have a topic, you want to reinforce that through your title and description (especially the first few lines of the description, which appear before the "Show More" link), but in the description for this video, you are not using the first line very effectively (instead, you tell people to click to open up the show more...but YouTube really looks at those first few lines of the description for metadata, so from a metadata perspective, you really haven't incorporated anything of your video's subject here.)
Vlogs are really difficult to rank well in search for because most of the times, people aren't really "searching" for Vlog type stuff. If possible, you will want to try to make your videos themed, and then target those terms and phrases. For example, if you want to emphasize exercise, then emphasize that. Your description doesn't really talk about exercise though, so you'd want to rewrite that for that. If you wanted to emphasize tips for housework (as the description talks about), then why not emphasize that in the title and description ("The Bombie Vlog: 3 Tips for housekeeping", with one of the tags being "tips for housekeeping" or "housekeeping tips")
This might be a weird shift at first...but I think that if you can make your videos more topical, then that will give you more focus for making titles, tags, and descriptions)