Alert the government about the Fair Use issue!

OK, some of you may know that we can alert the U.S. government to look into the whole copyright claim bulls**t that has been going on. But we have only 14 Hours left!

We might have a chance at actually starting to fix YouTube and end the companies' reign of terror. So, please, go there and show your support!

NOTE: This is not an April Fools joke, this is real. Please, take action, while you still can.
Already signed it this morning, BUT I know it won't change anything. The big companies have way too much power, and gears greased in the Government/Congress/Whatever (I don't live in the US, so I don't know), so I doubt it will bring to anything.
Signed it up even I'm not from US. And here is some seriousness about online petitions - they work! Don't think that they wouldn't get to say something about this after this kind of signing (just an example from Croatia where people wanted change and got it) - As it is barely known Croatians had petition to get one small TV house into new channels of viewing. After one petition with about 20k signs (if I remember correctly) they allowed it and get into new ISP IPTV Package (and that was for 3 IPTV providers, major one got it by default and supported project)
Already signed it this morning, BUT I know it won't change anything. The big companies have way too much power, and gears greased in the Government/Congress/Whatever (I don't live in the US, so I don't know), so I doubt it will bring to anything.
Never underestimate the power of a bunch of people b$%!&ing!
Didn;t youtube recently launch a survey as well about "bad content"? I don't have the link but I swear I saw it on the youtube subreddit.
Never underestimate the power of a bunch of people b$%!&ing!

One of the major problems with social media is a falsely inflated sense of self importance which results in overestimating the power of a bunch of people complaining. Right now, we're slated to have worse rules with the TPP coming in at some point in the reasonably near future. If any concessions are made on the DMCA, they will be more than lost again in other places.

This issue will not go away from the legislative side. It needs YouTube to start exercising some of its' abilities in verification and escrow.
One of the major problems with social media is a falsely inflated sense of self importance which results in overestimating the power of a bunch of people complaining. Right now, we're slated to have worse rules with the TPP coming in at some point in the reasonably near future. If any concessions are made on the DMCA, they will be more than lost again in other places.

This issue will not go away from the legislative side. It needs YouTube to start exercising some of its' abilities in verification and escrow.
Well, a bunch of people complaining should be the thing that leads to change. The power should belong to us, not some corporation. The only other thing that will work is grabbing guns and starting a revolution. We're trying to get YouTube to use its power. So far, they haven't done jack s**t. I don't know what will convince them, but there has to be something. We can't just give up on a cause, because the goal seems impossible to achieve. The solution might turn out to be something we never even thought of.