Advice for YouTubers joining a partnership program

I joined Awesomenesstv's partnership program 2 years ago and I recommend you don't join them. I just got out of it a month ago and they kept all the money I made over those 2 years. READ THE CONTRACTS BEFORE SIGNING UP AND ONLINE REVIEWS. If you just started, you don't need a partnership program. You can monitize without one.
I joined Awesomenesstv's partnership program 2 years ago and I recommend you don't join them. I just got out of it a month ago and they kept all the money I made over those 2 years. READ THE CONTRACTS BEFORE SIGNING UP AND ONLINE REVIEWS. If you just started, you don't need a partnership program. You can monitize without one.

Thank you for this valuable advice.
How they kept all the money that you made over those 2 years ? so they were not paying your earning every month ?
Hey thanks a lot man to share this info.It's pretty helpful,keep up the good work.But I have a question as zaffron said "How they kept all the money that you made over those 2 years ?"
Reading reviews online are the bare minimum of doing your due diligence. I might add another piece of advice: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.