Adding less relevant content at ends of videos to override with calls to action?

Broccoli Shmoccoli

Liking YTtalk
When I upload my first few videos and later want to tweak the calls to action or use other calls to action - is it possible to actually trim out more than 20 seconds or add more audio/video content to the running time with Enhancements? If this is not possible could I add some extra credit roll or links or thanks at the end of each video to start with or include some other type of content less relevant to the context of each video - in order to extend the running time so that I have room later if I want to add calls to action, promoting new stuff... Is YouTube OK with leaving extra time in the video with credit rolls and such - and than overriding it with updated calls to action?
Perfect. Thank you! I'll do the extra 20 than. But just to be clear - is it possible to add end cards and/or sound (a new call to action) to a posted video a month after it was posted?
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