• Please note that all milestone posts must not be of a promotional nature and must conform to the Milestones Forum Rules. All "almost" and "nearly" milestone threads are deleted.

200 Views, 20 Subs, and 100+ likes on Facebook!


Hey all! Benau here!

Just wanted to announce some awesome milestones for my social media!

200+ Views on YouTube
20+ Subscribers
100+ likes on Facebook

Thanks so much to those of you that supported my music!

- Benau
WOW congratulations bro, you have reached a milestone that all of us aspire to reach or have already reached and partied about. I love any growth because growth makes us a Youtubers very happy. I got happy when one of my videos got close to 100 views! So once again good job Benau.
Thanks so much! Yes I'm just starting out but I hope to grow! I will look at your channel!

Like wise buddy. I have a question though, although the two videos on your channel are remixes, do you also produce original work?
Because if you do and as we progress in a exposure stance, I would love to feature one of your works in a video of mine. But that would be a tad bit later, I need to grow my sub base first.
Like wise buddy. I have a question though, although the two videos on your channel are remixes, do you also produce original work?
Because if you do and as we progress in a exposure stance, I would love to feature one of your works in a video of mine. But that would be a tad bit later, I need to grow my sub base first.


The song Versus is an original of mine, and I produce originals.

Hey all! Benau here!

Just wanted to announce some awesome milestones for my social media!

200+ Views on YouTube
20+ Subscribers
100+ likes on Facebook

Thanks so much to those of you that supported my music!

- Benau
well done!