20,000 subscribers a day???

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So what is your problem here? That this guys gains views too fast? Look at his videos. He has a gazillion comments. Do you think all of those those are fake too? Also, he's partnered with a big network. They would kick him out if his views were that skewed.

It would not surprise me if the majority of them were fake, besides unlike every other YouTuber he doesn't reply to ANY comments not even 1 or 2.
Once he uploads a video, he remains in active until the next one, why interact with your "community" if the majority of them are bots?!
The only reason why he is still with his network is because there's not enough people willing to call complete b******t on his channel.
Networks won't do anything with their partners unless there's some public uproar about it.
So you think that this guy has videos that are watch by thousands of bots, some of which have channels and also watch and like other people's videos and neither his network nor Youtube wonder why he doesn't have any audience retention and yet his videos show up high on search rankings... yeah, sure.
Obviously the ones that have channels are not bots but I have come across more than a few comments in his videos which are exactly the same as each other.
The only thing he is retaining is bots, he doesn't interact with any of his audience on any social media platform.
Once he posts that one video he fucks off for the rest of the week not giving a damn about any of his legit subscribers!
GradeAunderA and Leafyishere both make almost 20,000 subs a day and they only have 1 million subs

That growth will eventually slow down when they reach their peak, but Fernanfloo on the other has reached his peak but yet he still get's 20K subs per day.
Besides there aren't a lot of other channels doing the same thing as LeafyIsHere and GradeAUnderA.
That growth will eventually slow down when they reach their peak, but Fernanfloo on the other has reached his peak but yet he still get's 20K subs per day.
Besides there aren't a lot of other channels doing the same thing as LeafyIsHere and GradeAUnderA.

Lol I just checked out his channel, there is a possibility that right now he gets almost as many subs as pewdiepie does on a daily basis or even more
I have absolutely no idea what he is saying at all so it doesnt make sense to me, but if his videos are brilliant content for people who do speak his language then it would make sense i guess, I am jealous tbh haha
I'll just add one more thing to this thread and leave it at that.

The fact that he doesn't reply to any comments, regardless of how many there are, is in my opinion the most damning piece of evidence against him.
When you know most of the comments are left by bots, why bother replying?
Besides even if he did reply to a comment and it did happen to be left by a bot, it wouldn't be able to reply because botting software does not have such an advanced AI to be able to do so, naturally all legit subscribers would leave a second reply.

Let me emphasise this again, he is quite literally the only content creator who get's these ridiculous view, sub and like rates.
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