Recently I came across a certain YouTuber and I noticed that his stats were slightly unusual compared to other content creators of the same nationality.
One thing that stood out about his channel was that he gets about 20K subscribers PER DAY, I suppose that might seem plausible enough, he recently hit 9 Million subscribers about 2 days ago and normally a typical youtube LP channel begins to lose momentum and level off at this stage, yet this still hasn't happened for this one.
Another thing that struck me as odd was his view rate and like rate, each video would get 1 million+ views within the space of 3 - 4 hours and over 300K likes.
I compared these stats to other big ( some with even more subscribers than he has ) youtubers from his region but their stats were nowhere near his and he's just a typical LPer, obviously with his own style of commentary, but still it doesn't make sense why he is absolutely dominating other channels when you take into account that YouTube has become over saturated with LP channels.
I'm not biased in anyway but it does look like, to me at least, that he is artificially growing his channel.
So any thoughts or opinions on this?
Should such growth be possible?
One thing that stood out about his channel was that he gets about 20K subscribers PER DAY, I suppose that might seem plausible enough, he recently hit 9 Million subscribers about 2 days ago and normally a typical youtube LP channel begins to lose momentum and level off at this stage, yet this still hasn't happened for this one.
Another thing that struck me as odd was his view rate and like rate, each video would get 1 million+ views within the space of 3 - 4 hours and over 300K likes.
I compared these stats to other big ( some with even more subscribers than he has ) youtubers from his region but their stats were nowhere near his and he's just a typical LPer, obviously with his own style of commentary, but still it doesn't make sense why he is absolutely dominating other channels when you take into account that YouTube has become over saturated with LP channels.
I'm not biased in anyway but it does look like, to me at least, that he is artificially growing his channel.
So any thoughts or opinions on this?
Should such growth be possible?