20,000 subscribers a day???

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The second most subscribed channel also speaks Spanish so it is very plausible.

Don't get me wrong, It's not like I think that Spanish speaking YouTubers don't have as much of a following as those who speak English.

Anywho, I assume you're talking about HolaSoyGerman, there was a few rumours about him botting as well because he had a link to a view bot website in one of his videos, although he denied ever using it.
If you are such a big youtuber then yes its plausible. You do raise a good point with
he recently hit 9 Million subscribers about 2 days ago and normally a typical youtube LP channel begins to lose momentum and level off at this stage, yet this still hasn't happened for this one.
but you saying
his stats were slightly unusual compared to other content creators of the same nationality.
makes me think his channel is not english (a good chunk of youtube) so perhaps this is why, people from his nationality want some good content with there language, and there for that kind of content is NOT so over saturated. My opinion.
The channel is growing extremely fast, yes. Are you new to YouTube? Sorry, I don't understand the purpose of the thread.

No, I understand how YouTube works, but normally a channels growth would slow down after hitting the 7 million mark.

I've compared the growth of JackSepticEye, PewDiePie, Markiplier, Vegetta777 and HoloSoyGermans channels with each other and they all share similar subscriber rates ( between 10 - 17k per day) and that's because they all share the same target audience

The purpose of this thread was to get an answer to how does one Fernanfloo have constant rate of 20 - 30k subscribers per day despite having a shared target audience?
So I took a look at this guys channel and I noticed that hes been growing this channel since 2011 which when I learned didn't shock me as much. He put almost 5 years into this channel growth and FINALLY its paying off. Is it unusual and uncommon for a channel to just BURST like that? In a way yes, we haven't seen something like that since PewDiePie & JackSepticEye.

Perfectly plausible, got to give the guy credit for providing high quality content to his target audience.

There's a reason why JackSepicEyes channel burst and that was because he won a shout out competition by PewDiePie, prior to that he had garnered about 15K subscribers on his own steam.
*Fun fact* JackSepticEye went to the same college as me ^_^ but sadly he left before I attended it :(

No doubt that he he provides high quality content but that still doesn't explain why his subscriber rate hasn't levelled off yet.
It's definitely possible. I'm currently getting around 100 new subscribers every 1 to 4 days. Imagine if I had more subscribers. You could expect that growth to skyrocket to his level.
People have mentioned this on the forums before :L Its quite funny :P I do think its possible for some youtubers to achieve that standard of views and subs a day :) lucky day i guess
You know that YouTube would have put a stop to his channel ages ago if he was artificially increasing his numbers. You are throwing up a red flag the moment you gain subscribers like crazy. YouTube will look into it and make sure you are legitimate.
I am working in YouTube for about 2 months now and to get 13 sub it was very hard for me, Getting views it's dream now. 20k sub per day, its joke to me, millions views per 3-4 hours that's blessing for me. Even better channel takes at least 3-4 days to hit millions views its not possible in 3-4 hours
I am working in YouTube for about 2 months now and to get 13 sub it was very hard for me, Getting views it's dream now. 20k sub per day, its joke to me, millions views per 3-4 hours that's blessing for me. Even better channel takes at least 3-4 days to hit millions views its not possible in 3-4 hours
It is possible to get millions of views in 3- 4 hours.
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