1 year and a half - Only 1600 subscribers.


What am I doing wrong?
I know I don't post everyday and I have to work on that, so that one is on me.

However, I have tried to do everything.

Here's something I know I have to work on:
Talking in my videos (very nervous due to low self-esteem, I'll work on it)
Regular uploads
Find new promotion strategies (banned from Reddit, lol!)

Thanks a lot guys![DOUBLEPOST=1444998364,1444937139][/DOUBLEPOST]Bump
Honestly 1600 subs in a year and a half is not that bad.
I have 86 and it's been a little over a month so I mean in a year I MIGHT get to about 1000.
Dude, 1600 in a year and a half is pretty damned good.

Keep pushing your content out, promote as best you can and improve with each bit of new content. The subs will continue to come.
I think you're doing a lot right, 1600 subs is a great number after a year and a half. You pointed it out already constant uploads, thumbnails, talking more so you know how to get more subs clearly.
The more you post videos with you talking the better you will get at it. I watched the case opening video and your viewers clearly liked it.
In terms of Twitter, tweet more than just links to videos. Live tweet a match or two, tweet about some news you found out, or something. People will be more engaged in you on twitter and could lead to more subs.
Granted I only have one video and like 30 followers so I may not be the best to review a profile but I feel you're doing a good job so far keep it up
TBH after a year and a half having 1600 subs isnt bad at all you are actually doing better than I am and I have been at it longer. The only thing that I would say you could benefit from would be:

Channel Trailer- I think you could benefit from a channel trailer to give people a good idea of what your channel is about rather than having your most recent video in the trailer spot.

Video THMBnails (You Know this)- Alright, you gotta get some thumbnails bro..... look into some sites that have some pre-made templates for the games that you play here is a template for GTA 5 that you can edit in photoshop>http://www.mediafire.com/download/ds1ol4oqjp1m4in/GTA+Thumbnail+Template.psd < thumbnails are very important to say the least, they provide the first impression for your video and draw people in.

Playlists- Maybe have some type of series that you could create another playlist for, overall you only have your recent uploads, activity and popular uploads. You need more variety in your content/playlists.

Annotations/Cards- I watched a few videos and didn't find and annotations or cards, i recommend using them to redirect traffic to your premiere or new content.

Outro/Call to Action- You need to create an outro that using the annotations to redirect traffic to more of your content as well as a call to action that tells people to like comment subscribe. Typically the CTA works best if you say it in your outro I know you have a struggle speaking though so you can start with atleast having the outro portion.

I also have a post requesting your feedback on my channel check it out and return the review please > http://yttalk.com/threads/review-thefreshbiz-help-me-out.187570/