
  1. Benau

    Getting there! 500 Views, 40 Subscribers, 250 Social Media Follows

    Hey guys! Just wanted to say thank you for all the support! The Benau YouTube channel now has: 40+ Subscribers 500+ Views 250+ Social media follows (not including 670+ on Soundcloud) Thank you guys again!!!
  2. Michael John Burgess

    Why This Happening To Me?

    I am getting 5+ subscribers a day but I am on getting little comments and likes could someone explain this to me, please
  3. Derrick Toys

    1400 Views Overnight!!

    Excited right now! Just saw 1400 more views since last night on our Chuck E Cheese video! Any way I can see what caused this so I can drive traffic to our other videos? I know this isn't much views for most channels but for our new channel with average 100 views per video .. this is exciting lol
  4. Jgaust Online

    50 Subs and 2,000+ views!

    Hello Hello Hello! And THANK YOU to everyone that helped me get to this point! Psh, everyone always told me video games wouldn't get me anywhere!
  5. gerard loughran


    YouTube is just a hobbie I enjoy making family videos and enjoy editing. Of course I'd glance at numbers of views and subs etc Was just wondering does anyone just focus on it and let it effect how they feel, like happy if you gain or sad and upset If the numbers never change?
  6. ColbzVlogz

    Changing Channel Link??

    WHATS goin on everyone! Don't know if this issue has been addressed yet, and maybe I'm bad at using the search bar. But if I get to the 100 sub milestone, will changing my channel link from what it is now to a actual title affect anything?? Thanks!
  7. SpecsTech

    How to gain more subscribers?

    Hello everyone, I'm Specs, I'm new here, I've recently started a new channel and I was wondering if there is any good ways to gain more traffic to my videos and gain some subscribers, I've been attempting to upload a video every day for the last week to keep consistency up, I was just...
  8. MrPeekay


    Now to some this may to small, to some this may be big... To me this is massive :D I am only a small YouTuber who just uploads gaming videos but to think I have 2,000 views? I just want to thank everyone who has watched me :)
  9. Jonatan Moser


    I am so happy, I finally reached the 20k milestone! I have been sooo impatient to hit this milestone, and it feels SOOO good to finally be here! :-D On top of that, yesterday I broke the 100 likes milestone on my first video! :-D
  10. Maarij Bashir

    What do you think makes a video go viral?

    Do you think it's 100% luck? Do you think there some formula to increase the chances to make a viral video? What are your opinions?
  11. D

    Tips on choosing the right tags?

    Okay so i'm sure like many others out there, struggle finding the correct tags for my videos, for most of my videos I've sat there and pondered whether it's the best tags I can muster. With that being said, does anyone have any tips or guidelines to help come up with some good tags?
  12. H

    Starting to pick up pace! :D I got 100 views

    Iknow to many people this is not much but my first video hit 100 views and my 2nd video is about to hit 100 views too in about half the time it took for my first video to do it im so happy about that I also gained about 6 subs yesterday :)
  13. D_halfrican

    Lack of views

    these last couple videos I've posted haven't been getting very many views I post to all my social medias even Reddit and tumblr but I only get a couple views is there something else I'm missing?