
  1. DreaM_HD

    Gaming Looking for people for a PC gaming group (like Vanoss or the Sidemen)

    Im a youtuber looking for some awesome people to make a group like the sidemen on YouTube. You need to be 13+ (I am 16), have a good quality mic and good videos on your channel. Also be able to have some top quality banter. Games that i have currently have and we will probably play are gmod...
  2. TailoredTeen

    Gaming PC Gaming, 17+ Age, Funny Games

    Hey guys, Looking for some people to play with, get to know, and become friends as we play! I'm looking for humorous girls/guys that are 17 years or older. **Need a good mic** Sort of like Jelly, Kwebblecop, and Slogoman or Vanoss's group. I currently play on the PC, GTA V Counter Strike:GO...
  3. ToubalionStallion

    Gaming Looking For Vanoss type Gaming Group

    Hi there, Im a new youtuber looking for around 5-7 people to make a vanoss type gaming group that's consistent in uploading and of course serious. You need to be 15+, have good audio and video quality and have a sense of humor. I really want to see a group in which all of us enjoy playing...
  4. N

    Gaming Looking to a make a group for PS4 & PC

    Hey guys ive have just restarted my YouTube channel today (last channel had 387 subs) and Im looking for a group to play with. So it's not going to be as big as vanoss or speedy because that is wishful thinking but im looking for a group of guys with the same type of personality to just have...