
  1. D

    Is This YouTube Video Bad?

    Hey guys so I recently started making video for YouTube just for my own enjoyment and for something to do during the summer. Some of my friends are saying they are bad and some say they are good. Please give me your opinion on the video and tell me what I can improve on. Also please note the...
  2. G

    100 Subs

    After 2 years I have finaly reached 100 subs, thanks to all my subscribers, viewers and friends who have supported the channel new or old.
  3. Matthew Autry

    Any channel improvement tips would be helpful

    Hello everyone, I am a 16 Year Old vlogger who started out a few months ago. I feel i have done okay, but I also feel that there could be a huge improvement to my channel as a whole. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading this. have a great time.

    50 SUBS in the first month ! 1st Recap.

    So I logged in this morning to see that I just hit the 50 subs :D All in all have almost 7k views as well. I've been doing this whole Youtube thingy for about a month now and I must say that it's the best hobby I ever had :D It started off pretty awkward but I think I get more and more...
  5. Jo Barry

    30+ subscribers!

    What's up everyone! I just got to over 30 subs! Thanks for the support! I hope to keep growing!
  6. ClimaxGaming

    Just Hit 100 Subs Im So Happy!!!! :)

    Hello, I'm seriously so happy I just hit 100 SUBSCRIBERS its just such a big milestone for me, I didn't upload for 2-3 days and my subscribers started growing FAST for some reason maybe someone shouted me out? I don't know but if someone did thanks a lot! :) It's really appreciated!
  7. Olija

    100 Subscriber Special! THANK YOU GUYS!

    Thank you guys so much for 100+ subscribers! That community stays strong, and I happy we got this point. This is a great milestone, and I made a dumb silly video just for the occasion :P
  8. Mr Danny

    Thanks Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! You're supposed to say thanks now. Thanks. You're giving thanks. Thanks-giving. Thanksgiving. So as you might have guessed by the amount of times I've said thanksgiving in this post, this video is about Thanksgiving and giving thanks. Which reminds me: thanks.
  9. sphamedia

    I tried to thank my fans the best that i could

    I made my 100 subs special and i tried my hardest to thank them the best way i could think of, what do you guys think?
  10. sphamedia

    Woo 100 subs! hopefully Halloween will be kind

    Thanks to everyone who helped me achieve this goal with all the advice and talking me through the rough side of youtube, you'll never know how much this means to me
  11. The Cold Abyss

    OH MY GLOB!!!! I GOT 3,000 VIEWS!!! ^_^

    So as the title says you guys and gals, I have recently gotten 3,000! :bounce:Views! Just achieving this milestone is an amazing feat in of it's self. But it wasn't only me and my efforts it was friends, people I don't even know (which is amazing! :D) and people from various sites and places...
  12. Voov

    Just hit 100 subscribers! ^^

    After 5 videos being posted in our channel, we've finally got to 100 subscribers! We hope this will help small creators who are being featured in Voov to get more exposure ^^
  13. Rita-Marie Hartford

    End Catch Phrases?

    So I have been thinking about a catch phrase to say at the end of my videos! But it seems nothing seems to stick. I have a beauty, vlogging, diy, all over the place channel. What would you recommend. I always wanna say "Thank you, for watching, and see you next time." But I think that just...
  14. Rae Talks

    500 Subs/150,000 Views after almost 2 years!

    Just wanted to say that I finally hit 500 subs! This is one of the first goals I have set for myself and I'm honestly surprised I actually hit it lol I think in the future instead of setting a sub goal, I'm going to set a goal of making content that will connect with a broader audience. That...
  15. F

    Request [Free] Youtube graphics

    Hey there :smileysmile: I am looking for a kind soul to help me in making some YouTube graphics for my channel. You can have lots of freedom in it, though I have few ideas. I would really appreciate anything you can offer! I am a relatively new channel but would still like to 'look the...
  16. TV Harmonies

    New Cover and Looking For Advice !

    Hey everyone, I am new to Youtube and this is my new cover and I was hoping to get some advice on how to improve quality and overall just a review of the channel ! Thank you everyone for your help!
  17. Zivlon


    Well, we did it once again people. 10 more subscribers in only less than two months! I posted a thread last month of a milestone that means a lot to me. 10 subscribers and 200 video views. If we keep this up, we will have one hundred subscribers in October! I hope that we achieve this goal...
  18. Seroths

    So… I am a 100k subs Youtuber now…

    and I want to thank YTTALK for all the good advice that we can found here. Really I was lost 4 years ago and I was doing youtube so wrong.... I read a lot of thread here and I though about doing a guide about guide... because... why not ? :) (deep voice) The great Guide of YTTALK Guide ...
  19. TheChillGhost

    Request Hi! I'm in need of a more professional looking logo [Free]

    Hey, I would like to keep the same logo I have for the most part, I'm just looking for someone to clean it up, make it more professional looking, maybe some 3D. Idk if that makes any sense. Let me know if you'd be interested in helping me out. I'll appreciate it very much.
  20. DavidThe SpanishNinja


    This is my 100 subscriber special for my channel and i hope you guys can go check it out as well as subscribing to help me get to 150 subscribers. Also i entered a contest for this video so it would help me get a higher chance of winning as well .I love how this website makes my channel grow and...
  21. HeidiVids

    Vlog Thanksgiving Video!

    Hey everyone! I'm making a video for Thanksgiving and I need your help! Leave a comment saying who you are thankful for and why. It can be a relative/friend/band/YouTuber/other. I will use your name and comment in my video. If you have a YouTube channel I will put links in the description of my...
  22. LionWaffles

    50!!!! subs!

    YEAHHHHH BOISSSSSS! I MADE IT TO 50 SUBS! But really, its awesome! thanks so much guys! Im gonna make a vid! sadly im on a trip now but im at the airport so I can go back home!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!