
  1. ShireenPlaysYT

    Sponsorships for small gaming channels

    Hello everyone, I have recently been interested in getting sponsorships for my channel and I would like some advice on how to do that - I know there is a lot of grund to cover and I have watched multple videos about it but if someone can give me a short guildeline to start it would be more than...
  2. The Vlog Summit

    The Vlog Summit

    i am throwing a social media convention for vloggers Aug 25-26th 2018 at the San Diego convention center. We are still looking for sponsors, booth vendors, and featured Vloggers. We know this is not the first of its kind but we are focusing on gaming, beauty, and family vlogging with some...
  3. LadyAiluro

    Sponsors, Networks, and Such

    Hello friendly peoples of YT Talk, I've been learning more and more about Youtube and what surrounds it, but still so much I don't understand at the same time. Exposure is number one, but how do you go about doing it, without being in peoples faces. I've recently noticed some starting to grow...
  4. I

    Request [Free] Looking for a full time GFX editor for new eSports organization

    I am currently looking for someone who would be willing to provide GFX for my new eSports organization called Viision eSports. We currently cannot pay for your services, but we plan on making your services a priority in the future once we get a steady income. We currently have two competitive...
  5. Sifoutv Pottery

    Has anyone get a Famebit Sponsorship?

    Hello Guys.I am thinking if you have agree on a Famebit Sponsorship or from another company something related to sponsorship. If yes? What sponshorship was this?For how money and what work you done for this company. Waiting for your answers.
  6. PrettyKeli

    How to get Sponsored on Youtube Guaranteed 100% Success Rate

    (Insert link of me trying to sell you something here) -__- [Edited by Staff] I genuinely want to help youtubers get Sponsorship deals, why? I throw up in my mouth every time I see a video where a youtuber says " I bought this product with my own money and I'm not being paid to talk about...
  7. Daaave

    Realistically, could I get a paid sponsor?

    Hello YT Talk, I've seen a lot of famebit advertisement and it made me wonder: Could my channel (as small as it is) attempt to get a sponsor? I personally don't think it's possible, and if not, when would be the suitable time to try and get one?
  8. Omeo

    Finding Relevant Sponsors

    Hi, everyone. Does anyone have any advice on finding sponsors that are relevant to your niche and audience? It's easy enough to find sponsors, but how do we find sponsors our particular audiences are interested in? Thank you, everyone.