
  1. AuthorFilms Studios

    How to record HD stable Drone footage | Tutorial

    Here is a tutorial on how you can record HD drone footage drone your drone for cheap! Hope you enjoy!
  2. Mattaxol

    What do you use to record? (Gamers)

    What do you use to record, edit etc and what settings/misc... I use OBS 720p60fps, and I edit with Sony Vegas Pro 13. I also use an app called NoiseGator that actively removes background noise by adding a noise gate. Great app :) What do you use to record/edit? Any discrete/uncommon apps to...
  3. MattFPS

    Free, Easy to use Editing Software?

    As I have now started YouTube I now need a better editing software that the Sharefactory on the ps4. I need a free easy to use software that is easy to download and doesn't require to much hassle to get. I anyone had any good ideas please reply to this to help me out. Thanks to anyone that...
  4. MaxStudio

    found a usefull program

    hey guys, i found a program that records everything you play whitout you doing anything. its really usefull for when you did a cool tric like 360 noscope, ... and you can always find it back. :D and its usefull for starters to record because its free and high quality. :p it is calded plays tv...
  5. D

    Edit programs, for mac?

    Hey guys, i have a question. What is the best edit program for mac for free?
  6. B

    Gaming Making Funny Momments Group.. Who wants to join

    Yo, i am looking for a group to record and have some fun times in gaming. Also growing together. I have a channel with currently 92 subs Channel name: j0s3lu1 (search it on youtube because for some reason the link in the thread doesn't work Age: 14 Skype: j0s3luis Steam: josetheidiot Types of...
  7. Austin Coleman

    Need Help in Audio (Recording)

    I am trying to do a dual commentary with my YouTube partner and we can not get an efficient way to record both our voices on Xbox One, any ideas or tips? All answers are welcome! Thanks guys for the help.