
  1. I

    Gaming Dawn SMP {Minecraft Java} {1.17.1} {Vanilla} {Survival} {18+} {Whitelisted}

    Dawn SMP is a Vanilla Survival server for YouTubers/Streamers of any size aiming to make Minecraft content in a community environment. We do not limit based Subscribers/Followers and accept people based on their Minecraft and content creation skills. The server is currently still being set up...
  2. SoHappyNow

    Gaming Small youtuber looking to collab(18+)

    Hey! My name is Koen and im 19years old,im still a new youtuber but dreaming big,im looking for people who want to collab,there's no real requirement besides being 18+ and play games/interact/record frequently,the age restriction is mainly so we can crack a joke everyone understands and have a...
  3. BDKYoutube

    Gaming PS4 or PC

    Hey everyone, I've been collabing with some people now for about a year now and I'm looking for some more people. I play PS4 (Battlefield 1, FIFA 17, Uncharted 4) and also PC (CS:GO, CAH) No subscriber limit but I would like people who are mature, who can take a joke and are not easily offended.
  4. M

    What game should I start with?

    So I am a gaming YouTuber and plan to start uploading videos soon. I play on an Xbox One and at the moment, only want to play games that are not rated M for Mature. I am not restricted from playing these but I would like to start and have video that all viewers won't have any problem with. Can...
  5. Cody Daniel

    Playing with Mommy's D*ldo! | Who's Your Daddy?

    WARNING: Contains mature content. Plus it's really REALLY weird!
  6. Oka TGC

    Gaming Looking for a collab partner. Got Ideas. (18+)

    Hey, got a small but promising channel growing. Looking for some exposure so I want to collab. It's only fair I put sub requirement below or equal to mine. So I'm looking for a channel with 60-100 subs. More is always better though ;) Age +18 (21 myself) For the video itself I got some ideas...
  7. Noirulet

    Gaming Minecraft Agrarian Skies 2 server (18+/GMT+1)

    Hi there, I've set up a white-listed Agrarian Skies 2 server with mumble-link audio (Hosted in Amsterdam). I'm looking for other people (18+) who would like to Collaborate and make YouTube video's on this server. The server will be running most of the time so we can grind for resources whenever...
  8. TailoredTeen

    Gaming PC Gaming, 17+ Age, Funny Games

    Hey guys, Looking for some people to play with, get to know, and become friends as we play! I'm looking for humorous girls/guys that are 17 years or older. **Need a good mic** Sort of like Jelly, Kwebblecop, and Slogoman or Vanoss's group. I currently play on the PC, GTA V Counter Strike:GO...
  9. Kroihan

    Gaming Looking for funny people to collab with!

    Hey! My name is Kroihan and me and two friends are looking for more people to play with. We play lots of games what we decide to get etcetera. We are looking for another humoristic guy/girl but mature atleast 17+ year of age. Are you that guy/girl? Drop me your channel so I can watch and see if...