daily vlog

  1. Occasional Vlog

    the wanderers return for a royal knees up. daily vlog #10

    My boys came back - but they bought home rather a lot of laundry.... ! One more party to enjoy and then back into a slightly more normal routine for a few months. Well, as normal as life is around here. EJ x
  2. Occasional Vlog

    hiccoughs and cool air. daily vlog #8

    I'm a bit nervous about this one - I completed half and then lost it so had to start again. I messed up the sound (i think) and my closing natter had no volume so couldn't be used, hence the sudden ending! Big sorry but maybe you'll take pity on me and click like anyhow...... Please? EJ x
  3. Occasional Vlog

    hiccoughs and cool air. daily vlog #8

    I'm a bit nervous about this one - I completed half and then lost it so had to start again. I messed up the sound (i think) and my closing natter had no volume so couldn't be used, hence the sudden ending! Big sorry but maybe you'll take pity on me and click like anyhow...... Please? EJ x
  4. Occasional Vlog

    in which Dangerous Dog takes a starring role. daily vlog #7

    A whole week of daily vlogs!! Can I get a 'woop woop'? A quick disclaimer though, this was my first edition entirely edited and exported without the help of my lovely Paul as he's away camping in a field with a gaggle of cubs - rather him than me. In short, what I'm saying is any mistakes...
  5. Occasional Vlog

    in which Dangerous Dog takes a starring role. daily vlog #7

    A whole week of daily vlogs!! Can I get a 'woop woop'? A quick disclaimer though, this was my first edition entirely edited and exported without the help of my lovely Paul as he's away camping in a field with a gaggle of cubs - rather him than me. In short, what I'm saying is any mistakes...
  6. Occasional Vlog

    a hypnotherapeutic, beavery kinda day. daily vlog #6

    Days that start wobbly can go one of two ways - they can riot into rocky storms or calm into breezy peace. Most often the tone of the day is dictated by the mood from the get go, but every now and then, when the stars are in alignment and there's chocolate in the fridge, a rubbish day can evolve...
  7. Occasional Vlog

    a hypnotherapeutic, beavery kinda day. daily vlog #6

    Days that start wobbly can go one of two ways - they can riot into rocky storms or calm into breezy peace. Most often the tone of the day is dictated by the mood from the get go, but every now and then, when the stars are in alignment and there's chocolate in the fridge, a rubbish day can evolve...
  8. Occasional Vlog

    party planning with a bit of panic. daily vlog #2

    A new day brings a new vlog and a party one too. It took me a while to get going yesterday, but I got there in the end. Happy birthday Paul and Dorothy. EJ x
  9. Occasional Vlog

    child free day and painting the deck. Daily Vlog #1

    Nothing like somebody saying you can't, to make you determined that you can. The first of our daily vlogs, come and join us for some occasionally mildly amusing but predominantly mundane family fun. EJ x
  10. Jake Fuller

    Jake Fuller - Daily Vlog, My Journey to 8% Body Fat

    My name is Jake Fuller. On my channel you will find my daily exercise vlog. I love fitness and here I will be sharing my weight loss journey, workouts and general fitness tips and tricks. I post videos daily so subscribe to keep up to date on what I’m doing. Here is the story... I reached my...
  11. Sian Louise

    Overall feedback please?

    Hello lovely people of the YouTubeiverse... I'd really love some feedback and advice. I'm trying to grow my channel and sometimes it seems absolutely impossible to gain a following! Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. I'm from London and my vlogs mostly aim to make an adventure out...
  12. slayerkm

    April Showers!!! - Daily Vlog 401

  13. LRwF

    Proud of a vlog

    Recently vlogging has been really difficult for us - its that time of year where we are focusing on exams/work and its not very exciting when we are apart (long distance relationship problems). Despite that, I felt really creative the other day and was really proud of the style in this vlog! Let...
  14. LRwF

    Have you ever spotted a celeb?

    Its an old vlog but still cant believe we casually saw Nicki Minaj in Dubai. Its pretty much the first we have seen someone famous so close - but we were really disappointed with how everyone else reacted by trailing after her! I was wondering if anyone else had any cool celeb sightings??
  15. LRwF

    Beach Clean Up!!

    This weekend, I spent a couple of hours down by the beach picking up litter! Rubbish is such a big problem here and its terrible for many reasons - so its time to do something about it rather than hope someone else will deal with it. I also wanted to create a visual piece of media to show people...
  16. LRwF

    London in 6 Hours!

    I got to spend 6 amazing hours in London, UK being a complete tourist and going to see all the famous attractions! I traveled by underground and walked around Big Ben, Buckingham Palace etc. I now feel like a true Brit!
  17. LRwF

    I travelled to Madagascar!

    So I haven't been around on the forum recently because I have been away! I recently returned from my 8 week trip to Madagascar where I dived almost everyday! I had an amazing time and managed to vlog my entire stay (even underwater). It was one of the most life changing experiences I have ever...
  18. LRwF

    How is our brand?

    Hello! Iv been looking at ways to improve our channel recently (I have had a lot of spare time which is unusual). I was hoping for some advice and feedback about the look of our channel, if it is attention grabbing or not, so we can improve. We have also been umming and erring about changing our...
  19. LRwF

    The perfect way to travel?

    Unfortunately, I can think of much better ways to travel (like lying down on a bed) but this was the best I had in several years of travelling.. and I have been on at least 10 planes a year! I did get a whole row to myself, and some amazing footage from above the clouds :)
  20. Mr Kerbibble

    2 Years Daily Vlogging Montage! WOO! Finally! :D

    Well, it has been QUITE the trip! Earlier this month, my wife and I hit 2 years of Daily Vlogging on our Vlogging channel! So, in honor of hitting 2 years, we put together a little montage of all the Cosplay, nerdy discussions, family get-togethers, challenges, and other random things we did in...
  21. Mr Kerbibble

    300 subscribers and 2 years daily vlogging! WOO!

    Yikes. O_O lol So, we have finally hit over the 300 subscriber mark and at the very same time hit 2 years of daily vlogs. If some of you on here are subscribed to us, thank you so much! We are looking forward to 2016 and hope to continue to put out more content, whether vlogs, gaming videos...
  22. slayerkm


  23. Mr Kerbibble

    What to do when you leave town? (Daily vlogger question)

    Hey guys, So, hoping this is the right forum section for this question, but I have question for those of you that Daily Vlog. So, whenever you leave town, and don't have the ability to edit or upload vlogs, what do you do? I'm very aware of the dangers of saying that you will be out of town...