
  1. I

    Is it important to communicate change?

    I'm wondering how important people think it is to communicate changes to your subscribers? As my channel's still small and growing I'm constantly trying new things and experimenting and I'm wondering how important people think it is to make little 'channel update' type videos to explain things...
  2. Jgaust Online

    I have a concentration problem...

    Hey, so on my channel I really enjoy doing live commentaries over gameplay, it allows me to really be myself and say things that I later (without realizing I said) hear and chuckle at myself... Anyway, I've noticed there is a lot of downtime in between my audio, which is normally when the...
  3. artisourlifeyounow

    In need of advice

    Hello guys , we've recently started our channel Artisourlifeyouknow with my bestfriend and we would like your advice on how to efficiently communicate our ideas , I know how important quality content is but right now I would like to focus a little bit on the sharing/going viral part. What's your...
  4. maximus7828

    Other Body language channel with 200 subs for communication skills collab

    Hey, So I started my channel 3 weeks ago seriously and now have about 200 subs. What I am looking to do is an online collaboration where we interview each other about communication skills or confidence and then place both interviews on each of our channels so that as we grow our channels...
  5. Curious World

    Entertaining commentary and personality

    It took me a while to pluck up the courage to do my own narration for my videos. I thought I'd hate the sound of my voice and editing the videos would drive me mad because I'd have to listen to my own southern English drawl over and over again. But after doing it for the first time, it wasn't so...