Youtubers that smoke

I think it doesn't matter one bit
I'd never judge somebody on a bad habit, they have the right too do what they want off camera :)
I think its up to them. I don't think it matter how big their fanbase is, its not like they asked a bunch of nine year olds to watch them & i think we put too much pressure on YouTubers and Celebrities to act their part in front of them cameras, we need real people not role models...
As a smoker. I dont mind watching people smoking on youtube, it does make me want to have a smoke though. I personally haven't done it in a video yet, but thats because I smoke outside to be nice to my housemates. and i wouldnt record outside too often
Really? Source?
Google "second hand smoke vaping" and you will get all the sources you want or need.

But, in all honesty your common sense should prevail. If there is stuff inhailed it does not magically stay inside a person's body. Hence, vaping is not desirable around those that do not want to be exposed to second hand smoke, and especially not around children.
Google "second hand smoke vaping" and you will get all the sources you want or need.

But, in all honesty your common sense should prevail. If there is stuff inhailed it does not magically stay inside a person's body. Hence, vaping is not desirable around those that do not want to be exposed to second hand smoke, and especially not around children.
most internet articles on vaping are nearly as bad as "The Sun" newspaper for being sensationalist propoganda. I dont doubt that there could be some issues with cheaper ones, but its "vaping" its water vapour.

I'd need a real scientific study done over a range before i believe buzzfeeds "20 reasons why vaping gives you donkey aids"

sorry to sound like a cynical asshat, but im a tad skeptikal
My favourite youtuber always smokes weed whilst doing his videos, he is jokes as f**k. I couldn't care less if people have made their life choice to smoke, I don't own them, they should do as they please. With regards to it being considered as being a bad role model, Fuuuuck that, if a persons children are that easily influenced by people, the parents should have probably been better at using contraception.
And that is the "pro" side on that issue. Like I stated, common sense...
Nah, this isn't a legitimate argument. In fact, I am a memeber of "Norwegian Vaping Company" and we have found several scientific articles and studies about how vaping is not harming anyone. The articles that says vaping is dangerous, always turns out to be a weird, sourceless newssite which is probably trolling.

But I guess you've one of many who just hate everything that can be assosiated and/or look like smoking.
I smoked for a couple years, but way before I started YouTubing. I quit cold turkey and am very glad to have done that. Never went back. I kept getting sick.

If I still was, however, I would not do it on camera as it was something either social with other people, or done in private when alone. It's not something I would be particularly fond of doing in public unless I was with other people who were smoking. In college I didn't smoke around people who weren't smoking, and I was off by myself somewhere if I felt like having one.