YouTube drama queens & clickbait

ill try that. ive never done the whole youtube thing before still learning all the tricks to climb the ladder
I've been doing it for 2 years and I haven't hit 1k yet. The ladder is super slow to climb, and I am learning more and more everyday. I invest probably 6 hours a day researching about SEO and editing tips. So don't worry. You wont know everything right away.
yeah i planned on this to be a journey and new experience i got bored so i figured why not? thanks for the tip, i need to do a bit of home work on seo and tags and youtube in general
Love you for this post - how to put it adequately ... my family had to scrape me off the floor, walls & ceiling with a spatula because I laughed too hard.
That's why you just roll around in self amusement and laugh at all the little plebs trying to entertain the masses. They will fail ultimately when you look at the long run.
I keep wondering the same thing whenever I see these "memes". Are they accurate descriptions of the videos?
Clickbait has become a very popular trend amongst YouTube, but as long as it continues getting people views they'll continue to do it. On the offside I find it pretty entertaining reading that kind of meme, I don't know why I just find it pretty laughable!
It's like the reality T.V of the Youtube era. People want and crave attention whether they deserve it or not. And this is how they do it. By over exaggerating a story that is clearly not true or real in the slightest and then say "Not Clickbait" to add salt to the wound. Best to not associate ourselves with these types of people. And I also am thankful we don't have any of these Youtubers on this site (to my knowledge). o-o Let's just take a moment and be happy about that.