Who is your least favorite Youtuber?

I run a gaming channel, part of it is about teaching how to play parts of the game and part of it is about entertainment. My own children watch gaming videos on YouTube regularly, but very rarely watch any television channels. When I say rarely, I mean at most, once in 3 months. It's an alternative to older forms of entertainment. Personally I don't like watching channels like PewDiePie because of the over excited bad language that's poured out in a constant barrage. But just keep in mind that there are a lot of gaming channels that don't use that approach! I have quite a lot of viewers that watch my daily videos as an alternative to TV. That's people of all ages, different backgrounds, country or origin etc that will watch me instead of TV, because there is now that choice available. I remember growing up sitting and watching a program in the evening that I wasn't particularly interested in because there wasn't anything else on and I didn't have the energy to go and do something else. We don't have that now, people can pick entertainment from all types.

As for which channel I hate, mainly it's the troll channels where late teen and early 20's gamers target young gamers in online games that allow mic communication between players and then bully them until they cry. I despise those channels and gamers and really think YouTube should do more to stamp them out.
Wow what an interesting game. I like discovering unique channels like yours. Not really my type of game play but i like the selection of farm vehicles. Would be great to have them crashing and racing other vehicles.

And i agree i hate channels that use bad language. Most of the time im afraid to put on a gaming channel because of my toddler. i didnt mind before i had kids but now i have to worry about what he might learn.
John Kuckian, I find it sad that he makes so much money and exposure by feeding internet trolls with negative drama about other people who he doesn't personally know. He has created a platform where bullies can come to dis people they have never met... Very sad
Thread asks about "least favorite YouTuber" then everyone gets on her hating hard as hell rofl - there is a thing as being the least favorite while still liking them -- I mean s**t, better not hear anyone complaining about getting "hate comments" and s**t. lol
John Kuckian, I find it sad that he makes so much money and exposure by feeding internet trolls with negative drama about other people who he doesn't personally know. He has created a platform where bullies can come to dis people they have never met... Very sad

I had never heard of him before so I checked him out. I see what you mean, - he's very annoying lol I had to switch off after 30 seconds. ^^