When would you give up on youtube??

It's a terrific creative outlet for me, to be sure, but I don't know how long I'll keep at it. I have absolutely no plans to stop, but you never know where life is going to take you, and since this isn't a source of any appreciable income for me, I don't know that it's going to be the sole outlet for video content for me forever. It's lots of fun, and I've made some terrific friends there, but I like to make videos, and if that's something that goes into some sort of live projection or to another platform or takes another turn, who knows? We'll see. :)
well ive already quit youtube once and now a couple years later i am regretting so ive got nothing to lose now im going all out with this
I'll quit if it starts impeding on real life events too much, or if YouTube makes some massive changes that I am against (such as, forcing all viewers to pay to view content without any "free" option...or plaguing the "free" option with so many ads that it's painful to watch videos).
When it becomes more work than enjoyment. If i wake up and think Oh god not Youtube again, then thats the time to either take a break or stop.
My intention is not to give up at all and become an expert video creator and maybe someday a cinematographer.

I see lots of good video channels with interesting content and thousands of subscribers. They just stopped doing videos after 10-15 videos. I think it is unfair to the people to subscribed to you and would like to see more of your content.

Persistence is key to success in several areas of life. So, I don't want to be a QUITTER in YouTube.

If youTube bans me for some reason or I get serious copyright strikes (which I do not expect), then it may be another discussion. I would probably move to Vimeo or another website in this case.
The thing I enjoy the most is helping people, so I guess if no one got anything useful from what I do anymore, I'd think seriously about stopping.
