When would you give up on youtube??

JV Trammell

A Filmmaker/Vlogger attempting to make you laugh.
How long will you do YouTube until you burnout? 6 months, 1 Year, 3+ Years? Until Youtube stops.

Let me know! It seems so many people don't have the patience to put in the work.
Not at all. YouTube is a passion project. Have no plan to do it professionally. If it turns out big, I am still not going to change my goals.
Honestly, i'd say as long as it wasn't taking up too much of your life, you never really have to stop. But if you're giving 110% it can get pretty tiring. Personal Preference i suppose. But even then, don't give up on your dreams! :)
i think a lot of people that "quit" got into youtube for the wrong reasons in the first place, (read. i am gonna make me some big youtube monies!) i will quit youtube if it gets boring for me, simple as that. you can always take breaks or make less videos if you get some burnout. even if i was bored as s**t making youtube videos. i would try to make at least one every couple of weeks. that way if i do go back to it properly. i don't have to revive a dead channel
All of the projects I'm working on at the moment are for me. I'm currently doing daily vlogs to force me to go outside and make progress with my life, while improving my filming and editing skills. I want to do documentaries for experience, and as a project to keep me busy. I want to do shorts as a project for me and some friends to work together on.
I have always said that once YouTube doesn't give me what I want I would quit. I am still having the same amount of fun... Actually, that's a blatant lie... I am having more fun than I had when I first started! Sure, there are times I don't like it as much, but then I just take a step back for a few days.

So honestly? I will probably do it for years till I can no longer make videos for whatever reason.