what topic ? <3

kindness; and if youre referring to "yttalk's first lady" - people know me as the first lady of YTTALK because I was the first woman ever on yttalk.
I got it. I am a very kind woman and you are not in the place to tell me that I am not.
"First lady" is not the same as being the first woman on YTTalk.
I got it. I am a very kind woman and you are not in the place to tell me that I am not.
"First lady" is not the same as being the first woman on YTTalk.

hush child, just cause your a moderator does not mean, you can't push me around! :stop2:
you should remove it shes been so kind to me and been helping me setup my account and stuff :redface:
Well, she may have been nice to you, but she was behaving disgustingly towards me. Like a said, if she can behave nice, I'll be more than glad to remove the warning.