What is your opinion on youtubers bigger than you?

I have a question. What is your opinion on youtubers bigger than you?

Being completely honest, I am jealous of youtubers with 10-25k subs. .

Don't worry, the jealousy doesn't have to stop when you grow. This YouTube "arms race" will easily consume you and make your entire experience you used to love into something awful.

Do you remember a time when you enjoyed posting videos just for the love of it? Those are hard to come by as you fret and worry about what everyone else is doing. I'm not saying that sitting on a mountain top. I say that in the thick of it, struggling with the same feelings

Many people could easily be jealous of me. I'm a decent sized channel with good views and a large audience. Who do I have to be jealous of? I could compare myself to channels that have gone "full time" making YouTube their business. I could be jealous of channels that are rising quickly, "borrowing" my style. The list is ENDLESS. You can ALWAYS find a way to take the joy out of things. In the end, it will only make all your milestone less enjoyable and making videos more tedious.

I urge you to find the fun in making videos and do your best to not worry about the success of others. Because you'll never be happy because there is ALWAYS someone to compare your channel to.
Don't worry, the jealousy doesn't have to stop when you grow. This YouTube "arms race" will easily consume you and make your entire experience you used to love into something awful.

Do you remember a time when you enjoyed posting videos just for the love of it? Those are hard to come by as you fret and worry about what everyone else is doing. I'm not saying that sitting on a mountain top. I say that in the thick of it, struggling with the same feelings

Many people could easily be jealous of me. I'm a decent sized channel with good views and a large audience. Who do I have to be jealous of? I could compare myself to channels that have gone "full time" making YouTube their business. I could be jealous of channels that are rising quickly, "borrowing" my style. The list is ENDLESS. You can ALWAYS find a way to take the joy out of things. In the end, it will only make all your milestone less enjoyable and making videos more tedious.

I urge you to find the fun in making videos and do your best to not worry about the success of others. Because you'll never be happy because there is ALWAYS someone to compare your channel to.
Thanks you for the advice. Remember I am not mad jealous, more of a sarcastic/in awe in jealous, which you seemed to leave out of your quote. Also how I would not want to be really famous. I believe you are correct, that you shouldnt compare youself to others. I do enjoy making youtube videos no matter how many views I get though.

Good luck with your current channel :)
I have a theory... well, I have many theories.... but the one most relevant to your question is... Everyone exists on their own level. There'll always be someone better than you and someone worse than you. Just as you look up to someone, someone else looks up to you.

The real question is, if you knew how a larger channel got so big, would you be as jealous? What if they paid to get that big? What if they had professional help? What if they came from a larger channel/network and to them, their numbers are small? It's all about perspective, and laughably, what impresses you might be a burr in their saddle.

There are a few people on YTtalk with small channels, but they won't be for long. Their production ability or just even on screen presence is so far beyond expectation... if I were going to be jelly/in awe of anything, it would be that. Anyone can grow a channel but not everyone has charisma!

I'm more in awe of people who can gain that many subscribers and in addition to that, having to deal with the hate comments here and there from trolls. You basically have to have a very thick skin to become a larger youtuber
At least it's not like at a live performance where a heckler can wreck a whole show. The comments section is a double edged sword... the more concerned someone is about the comments the less likely they are to have the apathy to deal with the haters and those who are apathetic to the haters aren't generally concerned about the comments. :(

It's a little deflating to see some other channel with 300k subs talk into their iPhone and get more views on 2 minutes of effort in one video than you have on your whole channel.
Tell me about it... record their video on a flip phone and it looks like a million dollars where all the effort I can muster gets a video worth a buck, buck and a half tops! Dam hot people, with their natural photogeneity and charisma! :p
if I were going to be jelly/in awe of anything, it would be that. Anyone can grow a channel but not everyone has charisma!

At least it's not like at a live performance where a heckler can wreck a whole show. The comments section is a double edged sword... the more concerned someone is about the comments the less likely they are to have the apathy to deal with the haters and those who are apathetic to the haters aren't generally concerned about the comments. :(

I think this is such a valid point, the charisma is something I am aspiring to do, i guess its about me finally learning to be comfortable in my own skin and showing people who and what I really am (an alien) ;). In being on youtube, i've got extremely more confident in who i am but being able to speak well to the camera is still a little bit of a struggle....(always told to look at the camera more).

I think if youre a small youtuber, every comment affects- well lets say a baby mosquito youtuber.. it just depends on how long it affects you for, well thats the case for me C:

Anyway, pleased to meet you Famous person :D
I think some of them work really really hard, like 60-80 hours/week hard. This Yt gig is extremely demanding at high traffic levels. I try to learn from their strategies and implement them on our channel.
I think some of them work really really hard, like 60-80 hours/week hard. This Yt gig is extremely demanding at high traffic levels. I try to learn from their strategies and implement them on our channel.

275 MILLION views and 460K subs?.... Welcome to being the official poster channel for every jealous Youtubers in this thread.

Seriously... I want to hate you so hard right now :p