Ultimate Guide To SEO (Appear At The Top Of Searches!)

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I learned so much from this! I was going at it all wrong, I thought more was better, but now I know I should focus on one specific word/topic, thanks!

Also, I like how you included the Beatles, nice touch;)
Thanks for the info! Would you have any advice for sketch comedy channels that are never quite talking about much in particular?
Wait, so I shouldn't put a bunch of tags? Are there other people who can confirm what Connorscraft said about the tags?
Really helpful.. I didn't even know VidIQ existed.

I would assume writing the tag word in a different language would help as well. I've got a Swedish Candy video and I get a lot of hits on the tags that are in Swedish. Just a recommendation :)
That's good advice for anyone making videos regardless of how long one has been on Youtube. Thanks for sharing!:)
Thanks SO MUCH! Made A "Sibling Tag" VIdeo and Even though hundreds of Youtubers have done it, I've ranked pretty high on the second page, pretty good for me only making it yesterday :p
This was a great post and definitely really helpful.

I find that I get a pretty decent amount of views per upload, but I think I might be hurting when it comes to SEO. Would you have suggestions in terms of a more Vlogger oriented channel where the video titles aren't something that people necessarily search?

My issues are tagging and key phrases
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