Ultimate Guide To SEO (Appear At The Top Of Searches!)

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WOW I didn't know how valuable this was. My major videos are montages of fatal frame 3 and Outlast I wanted to test out the advice you gave. I put the most generic keywords people may look for (fatal frame 3 compilation) of course I was no where near the front page. I deleted all of the tags and structured the title to get rid of the "catchy name" and put a generic name that wasn't really pretty, "Scare Montage Compilation! Best of Fatal Frame 3 The Tormented | Fatal Frame III | Jumpscare Funny" I then more or less reiterated the title in the tags and description. I searched for "Fatal Frame 3 compilation," again and I was not first, but i was on the FIRST page friggen amazing!

I did the same for my outlast montage. I changed the title to something more generic "Best of Outlast Scare Montage Compilation | Funny Scares Screams Jumpscare," I then reinforced this in the description and tags. Then I searched for "best of outlast montage," and got first result on the second page. I then searched "best of outlast montage compilation," and I was on the first page! I was so amazed that I was able to get on the first page of a game very popular and flooded with montages of big youtubers!

You have opened a new door of opportunities for me. Thank you!

Also did it for my Metal Gear Solid Integral trailer. Now on first page under the search Metal Gear Solid Integral.

Searched for "Fatal frame 3 compilation" and I was first page and FIRST result. The search is also affected by your location right? so that be an added factor to my test runs, but it's WAY better than it was before!
This seems like veryyy useful info. What is the minimum amount of subscribers and total views that y'all think it would be most effective to start using these techniques?
Great tips and technique, definitely got me re-thinking about how I use some of the built in features on YouTube such as the titles and tags, definitely going to make a couple of changes and see how things work!
Thanks for the guide! It seems that every small thing counts and if you make everything consistent (title, tags, etc.) the better your chances are. I guess sometimes the name of your video is obscure and won't be searched much but if your video if something that would be searched a lot, putting yourself in the Googler's shoes helps a lot.
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