To script or not to script?

I absolutely need to script due to the nature of my somewhat comedic animation/vlogs. Comedy is a tough gig with references that need to be relatable to the audience and actually be funny, ahaha. Yes it has the potential to be robotic, however practise makes things sound more natural and you cover all the points you need for the video! I will say i like to record entire voiceovers at one time to add to the natural feel rather than edit it (but sometimes it can't be helped). You could use Jump cuts OR if you'd like to be have an entire vlog recorded - have a list of dot points you wanna talk bout and elaborate on em when talking :) All the best!
What I like doing is scripting things, but not like following it word-for-word. I use it as a template for what I will say so that way I do not forget, but I do not have it word for word because, for me at least, that is too difficult.
I personally think Script = less editing. However, just going with the flow may come off more personal therefore garnering better engagement rates. I think it really depends on your situation :)

From experience & from talking to people, scripting is always the best way to go, whether it's for the intro, a review of a game, it's nice to put things down in writing so that your videos aren't all over the place & they're organised! At least that way you have a general idea of what you're saying, when's a good time to say them etc. Obviously don't make it overwhelming scripted where people can tell & have a little bit of improv, just relax, imagine it's just you playing the game!

Once you get comfortable, you can slowly stop scripting certain parts of the video & then go with the flo!
It really depends. Does your voice sound decent while scripted? I have done some scripted videos and my voice is terrible xD. I have to go un scripted. Especially if you are doing vlogs just go with the flow. It will be easier and more rewarding!
For really short videos that easy to do, I just make them without scripting, but for long videos I definitly need them, otherwise it gets a complete mess and I get confused.
That is thy question...

So I am wondering if I should script my intro vlog video or just go with the flow. I'm a tad nervous about starting my channel up, but I really want to do it.

This first video I post will more of an about me video and what you'll come to expect with my vlogs and get out of them. But, the vlogs themselves are more for my family and friends to watch and keep up with my life as I'm on the other side of the world from them for the next 2 years

I think the answer is, IT DEPENDS..
If you are good at reading a script, use a script.. I can't read a script on camera to save my life. I also can't remember anything once the camera is on so i make notes/bullet points, then try to go with the flow from those.