Services TMDxProductionz - YouTube Graphics Shop

Current Status - [OPEN]

Hi everyone, I've decided to open this service up to all YTtalk members, seeing as I have been receiving many requests recently for YouTube backgrounds, etc.

Here is an example of my work:
prmwW.jpg (Direct Imgur Link)

As you can most likely imagine; this work does take quite some time, and for that reason I have developed the following information:

**Pricing for my designs:
Regular YouTube Accounts:
YouTube Background Designs (40 YTtalk Cash)
YouTube Avatar / Icon (10 YTtalk Cash)

Partnered YouTube Accounts:
YouTube Partner Background Designs w/ Banner (50 YTtalk Cash)

YTtalk Accounts:
YTtalk Homepage Banner (FREE)
YTtalk Profile Banner (10 YTtalk Cash) [Must have 100+ posts!]

Important Note: Payments are to be made AFTER I have sent you the design! Also, any changes are free until you are completely satisfied!

Want something else that's not on the list? Make a request and see if I am able to design it for you!
**Prices subject to change.

So, what are you waiting for? Get requesting! ;)
~ TMDxProductionz

My creations do take quite a long time to produce! If - at the top of this post - it says that the shop is 'OPEN,' then requests should be completed and delivered within a maximum of ~3 days!

Hey could I just have some infomation on what size you atre using pixals by pixals? Im a designer so I can make a background I jsut dont know what pixals I need and you see to have it perfectly. Thanks
Hey could I just have some infomation on what size you atre using pixals by pixals? Im a designer so I can make a background I jsut dont know what pixals I need and you see to have it perfectly. Thanks
I use my own, custom-made template which I designed myself to create backgrounds for people, it helps as it shows me where the main-body of the layout is and I also put in my own background fade-outs so I don't have to redo them everytime I design a background. I believe there's one or two standard background templates which you can find here on YTtalk to download. Anyway, for my template I use the dimensions: 2400 x 1490 (pixels).
Hey man, just made one haha, thanks for helping, ill post my design on another thread, im quite happy with it (I dont really use PS much)
Hey TMD I Need A Background And I Was Wondering If You Could Make Me One That Would Be Great!
If you could give me any preferences (theme, text, images, colours, etc.) then that'd be great as it'd be more personalized to you. I'll get your background done as soon as I've finished Thexwildxguitarist's as I've been so hooked on Minecraft since last weekend that his background is now over 1 week late! :eeks: