The small stay small, the big get bigger.

Guys what is the downside of doing lets plays right a head ? I mean does no one want to watch little channels lets plays.?
Guys what is the downside of doing lets plays right a head ? I mean does no one want to watch little channels lets plays.?
Yes, most of the time no one wants to, since if they want to watch lets plays, they can just go straight to the big YouTubers anyway. Except you can improve and innovate enough that it'll be much more interesting than other lets plays, but that's really hard to do within the "let's play" format.
I don't really see any tips here except just saying that if you get a video big then you're set. Am I missing something
Think about it like this, someone who sees a channel they've never seen before, which doesn't get alot of views, usually don't watch a 20 minute vlog. However a 30 second funny video of sorts, that's more like it! Keep gateway videos between 20 seconds and 2-3 minutes.

THIS. THIS is so important. My advice is always to keep your first couple of videos short. When nobody knows who you are, really, nobody cares about your 15 minute video. Maximum should be 7 minutes for a new youtube channel. Keep the longer videos for when your channel has more fans!
THIS. THIS is so important. My advice is always to keep your first couple of videos short. When nobody knows who you are, really, nobody cares about your 15 minute video. Maximum should be 7 minutes for a new youtube channel. Keep the longer videos for when your channel has more fans!
Great advice, that's exactly what I'm doing with my vlogs (keeping them under 3 minutes) and it seems to be getting more traction.
I remember signing up for this forum a few years back, and seeing some of UberDanger's awesome posts. His advice has been spot on, and I found success through short gateway videos, whether they were top 5's, tip videos, or whatever. With the channel currently over 31,000 subscribers, the biggest thing was probably having patients to keep doing what I was doing, and trying to make good content. If you want to do let's plays, then you should probably do them once your channel gets bigger with an established audience. Focusing on short but good content is definitely key, as well as video seo.
Didn't read everything because that's a loottt haha but did find a lot of useful information on some of these pages! :) Great thread!
Do you have an example of a gateway video you produced that was successful?

I remember signing up for this forum a few years back, and seeing some of UberDanger's awesome posts. His advice has been spot on, and I found success through short gateway videos, whether they were top 5's, tip videos, or whatever. With the channel currently over 31,000 subscribers, the biggest thing was probably having patients to keep doing what I was doing, and trying to make good content. If you want to do let's plays, then you should probably do them once your channel gets bigger with an established audience. Focusing on short but good content is definitely key, as well as video seo.