This is a great guide. The only thing I will add (based on past experience in video editing and promotion) is that you have to almost spoon-feed your viewing audience. Thats why at the end of each video you have to say "if you like the video hit the like button, subscribe, and i'll see you in the next video" that way they know there is more coming. They have something to look forward to or will look at the whole channel to see what other content you have. People will not automatically subscribe unless you are lucky your they know you already. The issue is that psychologically most people don't even think about commenting, liking a video, or subscribing unless they are told to as these are daily things that are automatic. You don't subscribe to every video, but as you can see the big people always tell you to subscribe. So naturally if your hero or favorite guy says "Subscribe" you are going to do it and come back!