The Meanest Youtube Comment?

I never received a mean comment on any of my 100+ videos through my YouTube history.

Which is pretty shocking considering I'm basically a living YouTube comments section target. So many things about me people could be mean about, and yet, nothing.

The charm of JeriKane compels all.
I've had two pretty mean comments on my original channel two years back.
First one was on a game called Wanderlust: Rebirth. I was doing a full LP of it and halfway through got a mean comment (that I can't say as it's too rude for here). The person basically went on moaning about how bad I was at the game, which tbh I was very bad. So much so never managed to complete the last level.
The other comment really got me and my friend angered.
I did a post on this other game which was apparently a Autism Simulator.
I have autism myself and when noticing it and playing it realised it was nothing like how we autistic people react in situations.
As such I posted a video going into a little ramble about what it's really like with the gameplay in the background. The comment said something along the lines of "autism is a lie", "autism is fake", "autistic people should just leave the earth and disappear from eternity". You get the idea.
I deleted both comments. First one mainly cause I aim for a family friendly comment section. Second one cause it was just discrimination.
The user of the second comment was nearly banned from commenting again on my channel, though I didn't actually ban him. Just thought of banning him.
I'm too lenient you could say thinking people might change later, haha
I've had two pretty mean comments on my original channel two years back.
First one was on a game called Wanderlust: Rebirth. I was doing a full LP of it and halfway through got a mean comment (that I can't say as it's too rude for here). The person basically went on moaning about how bad I was at the game, which tbh I was very bad. So much so never managed to complete the last level.
The other comment really got me and my friend angered.
I did a post on this other game which was apparently a Autism Simulator.
I have autism myself and when noticing it and playing it realised it was nothing like how we autistic people react in situations.
As such I posted a video going into a little ramble about what it's really like with the gameplay in the background. The comment said something along the lines of "autism is a lie", "autism is fake", "autistic people should just leave the earth and disappear from eternity". You get the idea.
I deleted both comments. First one mainly cause I aim for a family friendly comment section. Second one cause it was just discrimination.
The user of the second comment was nearly banned from commenting again on my channel, though I didn't actually ban him. Just thought of banning him.
I'm too lenient you could say thinking people might change later, haha
Wow..................that's soooooo ridiculous. I hate when people get on with such nonsense! Good for you for deleting it :)
Wait a minute, NOW I REMEMBER, a month ago when I was like at 300 subs there's this guy who came and comment "I have a feeling you listen to p***y music" but I ignored it and somehow that guy deleted it himself so yeah :)
You guys should do a collab video about this similar to Jimmy Fallon's celebrities read mean tweets. Show those jerk trolls you have a sense of humor about it, and aren't going to let it stop you.
MIne was recently: "1 minute in and you still haven't talked about the movie. Take a Hint. I'M NOT IMMORTAL!" It was from the truthful troll. So I banned him. Suck it!
The worst comment I've ever had was "You're fat and stupid, go starve." lol! When will people learn that they look like an idiot when they post these sorts of things? If there is something negative that needs to be said, at least stay classy and offer both a suggestion and a positive, else don't say anything at all.. : P
MIne was recently: "1 minute in and you still haven't talked about the movie. Take a Hint. I'M NOT IMMORTAL!" It was from the truthful troll. So I banned him. Suck it!
That bucket on your head is hilarious :p

The worst comment I've ever had was "You're fat and stupid, go starve." lol! When will people learn that they look like an idiot when they post these sorts of things? If there is something negative that needs to be said, at least stay classy and offer both a suggestion and a positive, else don't say anything at all.. : P
I know right? That's so true.
What's the meanest Youtube comment(s) you've ever gotten? I have a couple.
One time, someone said I was SO ugly, that he needed therapy.
Another person once said "wow, your music is beautiful and you sing lovely. Too bad you look like a dog."
I didn't reply to them :p
No hate comment has ever been coherent enough for me to read. xD