Thats an ignorent and elitist way of looking at things imo.
Everything is the same as eveything if you think like that. All vlogs are the same (they all talk about themselfs like they are important) all gameplay vids are the same (they all play games and talk) all comady sketchs are the same (they all try to make you laugh) all cover songs are the same (they all sing someone elses song) all singers atre the same (They just play an instrument and sing a songthey worte), you have a very elitist view imo.
what I do requires just as much talent as what you do mate, its just a different genre. I dont just play a game... I play a game at a very high level and also do turotials and tips to help other people get better too.
I have people all the time messageing me thanking me because I have helped them get better. Just because you dont care for games alot of the population does. People dont just play for fun they play to better themselfs to learn a new skill. Just because its digital and not physical doesnt make them lower then you lol
My review was honest, but it was from an elitist, ignorent mouth, I reviewed the reviewer