Symphonious7's BRUTAL Reviews

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i read your post about not bothering with game ones lol.
I don't mind gaming channels in general, there's just tons and tons and TONS of you guys who are basically making the exact same video with a different game over and over, and I'm not going to waste my time giving the same review over and over, your review was a little longer and different than the others, I wanted to inspire you, but thought it may have been negative enough I should give you the option to make it public or not.
I don't mind gaming channels in general, there's just tons and tons and TONS of you guys who are basically making the exact same video with a different game over and over, and I'm not going to waste my time giving the same review over and over, your review was a little longer and different than the others, I wanted to inspire you, but thought it may have been negative enough I should give you the option to make it public or not.
I'm too scared to read the pm now LOL
I'm too scared to read the pm now LOL
lol.. I don't blame you, but I want you to know man, I don't dislike YOU as a person or anything, I give these reviews so honestly because if we don't know exactly how our videos come across to people we can't truly improve. We have to be able to take the good and the bad, and I hate negative criticism too. It hurts, I know, but it's better than having people praise you when they don't really mean it, you need to know how you come across to alot of people so you can make an honest decision to change or not. There are plenty of ways to make a gaming channel interesting, but playing a game while you say whatever pops into your head just isn't one of them.
lol.. I don't blame you, but I want you to know man, I don't dislike YOU as a person or anything, I give these reviews so honestly because if we don't know exactly how our videos come across to people we can't truly improve. We have to be able to take the good and the bad, and I hate negative criticism too. It hurts, I know, but it's better than having people praise you when they don't really mean it, you need to know how you come across to alot of people so you can make an honest decision to change or not. There are plenty of ways to make a gaming channel interesting, but playing a game while you say whatever pops into your head just isn't one of them.
I'm pretty sure I know what you said in the pm seeing as I've been asking friends to give me their honest opinion. I'd rather enjoy my day though so I'll leave that PM alone for another day :D
This review is exactly like many of my other gameplay reviews, you're playing a game, we're hearing your reactions, and I am not sitting through 19 minutes of it. This is exactly like the millions of other gaming channels who do the same thing.

Thats an ignorent and elitist way of looking at things imo.

Everything is the same as eveything if you think like that. All vlogs are the same (they all talk about themselfs like they are important) all gameplay vids are the same (they all play games and talk) all comady sketchs are the same (they all try to make you laugh) all cover songs are the same (they all sing someone elses song) all singers atre the same (They just play an instrument and sing a songthey worte), you have a very elitist view imo.

what I do requires just as much talent as what you do mate, its just a different genre. I dont just play a game... I play a game at a very high level and also do turotials and tips to help other people get better too.

I have people all the time messageing me thanking me because I have helped them get better. Just because you dont care for games alot of the population does. People dont just play for fun they play to better themselfs to learn a new skill. Just because its digital and not physical doesnt make them lower then you lol

My review was honest, but it was from an elitist, ignorent mouth, I reviewed the reviewer ;)
Thats an ignorent and elitist way of looking at things imo.

Everything is the same as eveything if you think like that. All vlogs are the same (they all talk about themselfs like they are important) all gameplay vids are the same (they all play games and talk) all comady sketchs are the same (they all try to make you laugh) all cover songs are the same (they all sing someone elses song) all singers atre the same (They just play an instrument and sing a songthey worte), you have a very elitist view imo.

what I do requires just as much talent as what you do mate, its just a different genre. I dont just play a game... I play a game at a very high level and also do turotials and tips to help other people get better too.

I have people all the time messageing me thanking me because I have helped them get better. Just because you dont care for games alot of the population does. People dont just play for fun they play to better themselfs to learn a new skill. Just because its digital and not physical doesnt make them lower then you lol

My review was honest, but it was from an elitist, ignorent mouth, I reviewed the reviewer ;)

Elitist?? Ignorant??? Are you insane?? This is my "completely honest" review thread where I tell you "completely honestly" how your videos make me feel in which you requested a "completely honest" review, and COMPLETELY HONESTLY I CAN'T STAND WATCHING SOMEONE JUST PLAY A GAME SAYING "OH HE GOT ME GOOD, OH MAN I REALLY SHOULD HAVE HIT B WHEN I HIT A, KAME HAME HA" You play games "at a very high level" bwahahaha good for you, you've mashed buttons long enough you're good at it. You are flipping on a game, playing it, and saying crap that pops into your head, there is no planning, no editing, no thought involved, so maybe you've played enough games that you are better at it then some people, I could not care less, I like playing video games, not watching the "grand master" play them.

And your first statement?? THAT was the most ignorant idiotic thing I have heard uttered on this forum that didn't come from UL or Korfifeaus. You're asking me to sit through this dribble, I clearly stated in my first post that unless this thing is edited, giving me opinions, doing something unique and entertaining, I will not review it. You asked for a review anyway, and you got what you got. I don't watch people mash buttons and say "Yes! I beat that guy good!" Whoopdy friggin doo. Yeah man, my mindset clearly makes me think all genres of everything are exactly the same, just look at my other reviews, obviously so true. If you send me something and I'm bored to tears, and not only that, feel like I've seen many other videos do the exact same thing, then in my HONEST review thread, that's what I HONESTLY am gonna say, if you didn't want to hear that, or thought that because I didn't enjoy your 19 min of button mashing you needed to complain that I just "don't get it" you shouldn't have asked for a review. This is where I tell you how YOUR video impacted ME, there is no correct or incorrect way to do it, it's honest reviews. Now gtfo of my review thread.
Elitist?? Ignorant??? Are you insane?? This is my "completely honest" review thread where I tell you "completely honestly" how your videos make me feel in which you requested a "completely honest" review, and COMPLETELY HONESTLY I CAN'T STAND WATCHING SOMEONE JUST PLAY A GAME SAYING "OH HE GOT ME GOOD, OH MAN I REALLY SHOULD HAVE HIT B WHEN I HIT A, KAME HAME HA" You play games "at a very high level" bwahahaha good for you, you've mashed buttons long enough you're good at it. You are flipping on a game, playing it, and saying crap that pops into your head, there is no planning, no editing, no thought involved, so maybe you've played enough games that you are better at it then some people, I could not care less, I like playing video games, not watching the "grand master" play them.

And your first statement?? THAT was the most ignorant idiotic thing I have heard uttered on this forum that didn't come from UL or Korfifeaus. You're asking me to sit through this dribble, I clearly stated in my first post that unless this thing is edited, giving me opinions, doing something unique and entertaining, I will not review it. You asked for a review anyway, and you got what you got. I don't watch people mash buttons and say "Yes! I beat that guy good!" Whoopdy friggin doo. Yeah man, my mindset clearly makes me think all genres of everything are exactly the same, just look at my other reviews, obviously so true. If you send me something and I'm bored to tears, and not only that, feel like I've seen many other videos do the exact same thing, then in my HONEST review thread, that's what I HONESTLY am gonna say, if you didn't want to hear that, or thought that because I didn't enjoy your 19 min of button mashing you needed to complain that I just "don't get it" you shouldn't have asked for a review. This is where I tell you how YOUR video impacted ME, there is no correct or incorrect way to do it, it's honest reviews. Now gtfo of my review thread.

Continue to dig a hole? You're elitist, look at your elitist view lol. I could say the same, ehumm "puts on douche bag elitist hat" -

You play guitar and sing "at a very high level" bwahahaha good for you, you've sang and mashed strings long enough you're good at it! You are flipping singing, playing it, and saying crap that pops into your head, there is no planning, no editing, no thought involved, so maybe you've played enough that you are better at it then some people, I could not care less, I like playing the guitar for fun, not watching the "grand master" play them.


You are really up your own a** man lol Such a hypocrite. If you dont care for gaming channels and dont realise the skill in it jsut say I dont do gaming channel reviews lol. Because you're a total elitist. I have shown you the mirror man, look into it or dont its your thing.

People watch fighting games as a sport incase you didnt know in your own little elitist world.
Continue to dig a hole? You're elitist, look at your elitist view lol. I could say the same, ehumm "puts on douche bag elitist hat" -

You play guitar and sing "at a very high level" bwahahaha good for you, you've sang and mashed strings long enough you're good at it! You are flipping singing, playing it, and saying crap that pops into your head, there is no planning, no editing, no thought involved, so maybe you've played enough that you are better at it then some people, I could not care less, I like playing the guitar for fun, not watching the "grand master" play them.


You are really up your own a** man lol Such a hypocrite. If you dont care for gaming channels and dont realise the skill in it jsut say I dont do gaming channel reviews lol. Because you're a total elitist. I have shown you the mirror man, look into it or dont its your thing.

People watch fighting games as a sport incase you didnt know in your own little elitist world.

Or maybe.. just maybe.. try wrapping your head around this real quick, it's gonna be tough, but MAYBE, I'm not INTO games as much as you and the other gamers are! Whoa!! What an amazing concept, and MAYBE alot of people feel the same way, and maybe since this is a thread where I give my opinions, you're hearing the opinion of me and the people who feel the same way I do. I don't mind video game channels that tell me alot ABOUT a game, I don't mind them if they are funny, or edited to entertain me, the thing you don't seem to grasp is in a review thread you are getting the opinion of the reviewer based on what he wants to see in a video. So basically with all this elitist BS, you're saying it's my job to watch and play and grow an interest in video games enough that I will suddenly care about watching people play them. So basically, until I learn why your videos are so entertaining, I'm just close minded, I should study it, ask people about it, take the time to get into the gamer mindset so I can come back cultured enough to enjoy these gameplay videos, where people just play games.

Dude, seriously, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy hearing that I wasn't going to sit through your video, but coming back at me saying I'm ignorant and elitist is just idiotic. Not only that, I put in my freaking rules in the first post that if you're playing a game saying stuff into the mic I may not review your video. So you either knew this and didn't care, or didn't read my rules. You could take this information and say "hmmm... so that's how my video comes across to people who think like this guy does" and then do what you want with it. Or you can complain that I just didn't "understand enough" and I'm "close minded" because your material doesn't impact me. Just seriously... it is you who needs to just accept that I don't enjoy those kinds of videos, they seem pointless TO ME.

Do you have any foods you don't like? Cause if so, I think you should go talk to a chef who prepares them and discover why people like them, then force yourself to eat them until your taste buds adapt to the taste and you realize how elitist you were being for thinking those foods tasted bad. Seriously, you're talking nonsense.
Or maybe.. just maybe.. try wrapping your head around this real quick, it's gonna be tough, but MAYBE, I'm not INTO games as much as you and the other gamers are! Whoa!! What an amazing concept, and MAYBE alot of people feel the same way, and maybe since this is a thread where I give my opinions, you're hearing the opinion of me and the people who feel the same way I do. I don't mind video game channels that tell me alot ABOUT a game, I don't mind them if they are funny, or edited to entertain me, the thing you don't seem to grasp is in a review thread you are getting the opinion of the reviewer based on what he wants to see in a video. So basically with all this elitist BS, you're saying it's my job to watch and play and grow an interest in video games enough that I will suddenly care about watching people play them. So basically, until I learn why your videos are so entertaining, I'm just close minded, I should study it, ask people about it, take the time to get into the gamer mindset so I can come back cultured enough to enjoy these gameplay videos, where people just play games.

Dude, seriously, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy hearing that I wasn't going to sit through your video, but coming back at me saying I'm ignorant and elitist is just idiotic. Not only that, I put in my freaking rules in the first post that if you're playing a game saying stuff into the mic I may not review your video. So you either knew this and didn't care, or didn't read my rules. You could take this information and say "hmmm... so that's how my video comes across to people who think like this guy does" and then do what you want with it. Or you can complain that I just didn't "understand enough" and I'm "close minded" because your material doesn't impact me. Just seriously... it is you who needs to just accept that I don't enjoy those kinds of videos, they seem pointless TO ME.

Do you have any foods you don't like? Cause if so, I think you should go talk to a chef who prepares them and discover why people like them, then force yourself to eat them until your taste buds adapt to the taste and you realize how elitist you were being for thinking those foods tasted bad. Seriously, you're talking nonsense.

You sound elitist as f**k still lol. Now you sound like your better then me. Its your personality dude, not very likeable.

I dont mind you dont like games. But if you say you dont review them just say in a civilised manner, im sorry I dont like gaming channels instead of saying how lower then you I am and how little talent and skill i have compared to you lol.
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