Subreddits for YouTube posts

i just joined reddit a couple weeks ago and that place scares me. i checked out the r/videos and saw they have a rule that new reddit accounts with low post upvotes get their video posts deleted. i've made maybe 20 posts trying build my account up with upvotes but no upvotes even when putting in effort into the posts so that place is cold. lol

has anyone been able to post videos on a new account with low postcount?
what is a safe amount of post count/ account age to start doing this?
what about other subreddit categories? are they are strict as the r/videos subreddit?
Yeah I've tried contributing to subreddits for gaming videos but haven't had much luck. I've supported other people in the thread and provided honest reviews of channels and videos but it honestly seems like the people in those subreddits are trying to compete with each other rather then support them. Nobody really posts comments + people seem to just downvote anything that isn't their own content. Maybe I'm in the wrong gaming subreddits? Does anyone know of any with a strong and helpful community?
Hmmm, I just had a thought: what about posting others' videos that have your videos as the first suggested one?
IDK if the YT algorithm works like that. It's my understanding it's primarily based on the user's previous viewings (hence why new content is so hard to get through)
IDK if the YT algorithm works like that. It's my understanding it's primarily based on the user's previous viewings (hence why new content is so hard to get through)
Right, but you can look at your Suggested Videos traffic source in Analytics and see what videos bring you the most views and share those on Reddit. That way you're indirectly sharing your videos while technically sharing someone else's. I get a lot of views from sites that have a video shared and one of mine shows up at the end as a related one.